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A series of painful pulses in my forehead force me out of my peaceful slumber. This is exactly why I should never drink too much, I'm genuinely surprised I didn't throw up last night. My whole body is in pain; my joints are sore, I have a pounding headache, the rays of light feel like they're burning my eyes apart, and my back feels so stiff.

I stay like this in the bed for a couple of minutes before I finally get out of the bed and head to the en-suite shower.

Even showering is making me feel more lightheaded, I don't stay in there for long. I change back into the outfit I was wearing last night, trying to ignore this pain in my head, and get ready to leave the bedroom.

The bedroom itself is interesting, it's modern but not at the same time. The bed is huge, and very comfortable I might add, but the sheets remind me of older times. The desks remind me of Victorian style designs,made with dark oak wood, but the way the wood shines they must be new. We'll just ignore the amount of balloons stuck to the ceiling, I didn't even realise them until I would up, safe to say I was very confused when one almost hit me in the face on the way to the bathroom.

I head downstairs, preparing myself to see the damage that's been done. I look around the room, yeah and absolute shit show. There's empty bottles lying around, red cups ranging from full to half empty, there's confetti all over the floor. Confetti? When I was escorted upstairs there was no confetti.

So these idiots has more fun without me, like I'm not the one who got the party really hype in the first place. They're wicked for that, let me even give them a piece of my mind. I storm over to the couch, where they're all sitting and turn to face them with a stern look.

They're all passed out on the living couch.

Somehow almost all of them have managed to fit on the singular couch, except for Sunghoon who lays comfortably on the floor. I don't blame them, last night was very wild. Probably even a bit too wild for them, but that's what happens when you add me into the equation.

Looking at them now, they all look so peaceful, I can't even be annoyed anymore. All huddled together, you can they're really close, they're practically family. I mean they do all stay in this huge house together, which I will question them about sooner or later, I wonder if they ever feel lonely.

I know I have to leave now, but I don't want to wake them up. They're actually peaceful for once, and I don't really want them annoying me when I end up leaving. That just means I'm going to have to keep my steps quiet and not utter a word.

I quickly text Shin Young to pick me up, let's say her response wasn't the friendliest but she said she's on her way. She said she'll only be fifteen minutes, which means I really need to find my stuff on this huge messy house before she gets here.

I quietly walk around the house to find my belongings: my bag, my jacket, I'm even even missing an earring along with some other things.

The fact that each item were in completely different areas of the house baffles me, how is one in the spare room but another in a kitchen cupboard? Once I double check the house to make sure I have everything, I tiptoe over to the front door, passing the boys who are still sleeping, and I unlock it and place my hand on the handle to open.

"You're leaving, so soon as well..." I take my hand off the handle, turning around in the direction of the voice, to be met with a solid torso.

I tilt my head up, smirking as I realise who's in front of me. Can't say I'm surprised, it feels like out of all of the boys, he's the most drawn to me.

Maybe I'm also drawn to him?

I relax my body, leaning against the side of the wall closest to me, still smiling at him. He looks at me with soft eyes, very different to the voided ones I experienced when we first met on the bus, he's actually being sincere. Like he doesn't wasn't me to go.

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