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Authors Note: So sorry about the very slow updates, work has really been beating me up recently. I tried to write this chapter multiple times but it was just bad and rushed everytime. I hope you all can understand. So this chapter is a little special ☺️ enjoy <3



My mind has been a mess ever since Jiyeon found out our secret. I can't focus, I can't think straight. The only clear thing I can think of is her. She's going to be my greatest weakness if this keeping going on.

I try to cast her out of my mind as I sit down to speak with the rest of the boys in the living room. They're talking about regular stuff such as the next game and how much we hate having to always stay school kids, education just isn't for us anymore after centuries of doing it.

And then as if the world wanted to give me another reminder of her the topic of Jiyeon gets brought up, and everyone turns serious and conversation is minimal. Like they're all thinking the same thing but don't want to be the one to say it first.

"She's hiding something." Jay suddenly speaks, concisely but blunt.

I try my best not to show any reaction, but that's not what I wanted to hear right now. Anything but that. I instantly go into panic mode.

I can't let them figure it out. Not when I still feel like there's more to her then what meets the eye. Every time I look at her I'm captivated by the mystery surround her.

She's special I just don't know exactly how. Until I get concrete proof I can't say anything yet. I've kept it from them for about two weeks now, I'm confident I can keep doing so. All I need is a bit more time to make sense of all of this and get some answers.

But do I even want to know the answers? Do I dare to unravel the enigma that is Jiyeon? Our worlds seems so different, but with all this new information maybe we aren't as different as we think. Is taking this risk worth it?

Regardless of every conflicting feeling I have, I have to stop them from prying further.

"Don't you think you're being a bit dramatic Jay?" I apply a playful tone to my voice as I let out a laugh.

Nothing is funny about this whatsoever. If anything this is a massive danger. If they decide to go through with this I just know it's going to end badly one way or another. And I wanna minimise any risk towards Jiyeon as much as possible.

"No he's right, Jiyeon hasn't been acting normal." Niki looks lost in thought as he speaks, like he's trying to put all the random puzzle pieces together in his mind with no avail.

"We can just confront her and get the answers ourselves. We're more than capable." Jake randomly expresses his idea to the rest of us, shrugging his shoulders like it isn't a big deal.

Nope. That is something that absolutely must not happen. This could ruin anything. It's also very unfair of us all to hang up on one person to haggle them out of information. If they were going to do this, it doesn't have to be all of us.

"You can't be serious right now." I involuntary sigh and run my fingers through my hair, standing up from the couch everyone is sat on to pace around the room.

I'm early not showing myself as calm and collected. I'm probably as suspicious as it can possibly get! My body moved before I could even think, and now they're all staying at me.

"Heeseung. I understand that you have something for her or whatever, but this can't go on any longer."Jungwon doesn't waste any time beating around the bush.

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