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"Jiyeon! Over here!" Sunbi yells throughout the whole cafeteria as she waves her hands in the air.

It barely takes a second before eyes are all on me, very sharp looks coming from one table in particular. I can't see them, but I can feel their negative energy honing in on me. In my opinion it's very childish behaviour, we may not be cool or friends anymore but that doesn't mean they have to act like this.

I sigh extremely deeply as I close my eyes, less than a year left in this school and it'll all be over. I can forgot these guys exist and move on with my life.

I reopen my eyes and start walking, but not where Sunbi is. Instead, with my tray of food, I head out of the room until I'm in a quiet classroom. Being around Sunbi isn't going to help me, as much as I love her, she brings a lot of unwanted attention to me. The atmosphere in the cafeteria was awful anyways, I'm not trying to be in that kind of environment.

Especially when I have so many things running through my head.

It's taking everything I have to keep it together, so many things I once thought were impossible. Yet here I am believing it, and surprisingly I'm not scared or distressed. I guess confused is a better choice of words. I could give two fucks about who they are or what they are, my problem is why have they chosen me of all people to be the one they leech onto. They hate me but they can't stay away from me, though the feeling is mutual.

Ever since I met Heeseung in the bus on the first day, they've never left me alone. I can't help but rethink when K said I was special. What is so special about me? Is it because I'm special that they kept me around?

How special could I be to a group of va- Still can't bring myself to say it. The more I think about it, I really am too calm about it. Then again the face I still can't say it means a part of me still doesn't want to acknowledge it.

You know, eating by yourself is actually very therapeutic. I feel calm and relaxed, all of the effects of their bad energy have slipped away as quickly as it had appeared. I feel comfortable being here knowing that nothing can hurt me.

"Hey..." The door creaks open and a voice suddenly whispers. My body almost jumps at the surprise, a great way to disrupt my peace, confused on who could possibly know that I'm here. I'm in the quietest part of the school, the area that nobody goes to.

When the person comes into clear view I'm no longer surprised and roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I stare at them blankly, responding to them in a serious tone.

They don't say anything, but instead walk further into the room and pull a chair so that their sat directly in-front of me. The tension of us in the room makes me break eye contact and I keep my gaze plastered onto the food infront of me.

"I know the other night was... not the friendliest, but I wanted to apologise." They say it in such a soft voice that I can barely hear it, they sound surprisingly genuine.

"For what Niki?" I lift my head up slightly, just enough so that our eyes can meet. My body is tense, my emotions feel like they're starting to swirl together just with his presence being here.

We went from good friends to essentially strangers in a matter of days, there still feels like there's a bit of awkward tension.

We look at each other, both waiting for Niki to respond. He looks nervous; he can't stay still in his seat and he keeps playing around with his hands. After another long silence he finally responds.

"For the fight at the game, for yelling at you, for not letting you explain yourself. I know this is probably just words to you but I mean it. I can actually calm down and be level-headed unlike the others." We both chuckle a little at the end of his sentence, but the weird atmosphere between us quickly comes back and we just sit there again.

This time I decide to say something.

"Thanks for the apology, really. I forgive you, can't say the same for the rest." I look away from Niki as I finish talking. I feel bad that I can forgive one but not all, but I guess that's the way life goes. Nothing is really fair is it?

Certain things were said by certain people that I guess cut a bit deeper than what others said. It can't be helped.

Niki realised I'm overthinking the situation and holds my hands tightly. He looks at me with a compassionate and warm face, trying his best to make me feel relaxed.

"It's cool don't even worry about it. We've always been the closest Jiyeon, no matter how mad we are at each other we both know that. I know the others are still mad, but they will come around I promise. It sucks not having you around...I miss my friend."

"I appreciate it Niki but I still need time, both sides do." I say in a strained voice, I almost curse at myself for sounding so vulnerable. It's not a side I'm very willing to show. I

Niki lets go of my hands slowly as he nods. He runs his hands through his hair once as he takes a sigh. Not a frustrated one, it felt more accepting in a way.

"I respect that Jiyeon, just as I told the others, take as much time as you need." He gives me a warm smile as he places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes.

I smile back at him as he gets up from next to me and walks back inside the building.

After staying in the room for another ten minutes or so, I decide that it's time to leave. I can't stay in here forever I have classes and other things to do. It was nice to have some time to myself though I guess.

I stand up from my seat and instantly know something is wrong.

My body feels weak, faint, struggling to hold itself up as the world around me being to spin and blur. The blur gets harsher and strong until my vision completely goes black.

The darkness is calm and quiet, almost too quiet.

As if my thoughts were read, my head starts getting swarmed with inaudible screams and shouts. It feels as if people are grabbing me but I know there's nowhere around.

I try to open my eyes and find myself in what looks like a castle, the scenes keep flashing before my eyes and I know it's another episodes. This one however feels too real, as if I've experienced this before. I see the boys in prince-like attire arguing with another woman who looks so grand and poised. The scene isn't crisp enough and before I know it the view fades before me and I'm brought back to the darkness.

I open my eyes again but this time I'm back in the empty classroom, sweating and out of breath. I hold my hand close to my chest as I take deep breaths to try and calm myself down. The bursting pain in my head has found it's way back to me and I almost scream from how bad it hurts, it's worse than any other time before.

Maybe there's actually more to these episodes than what meets the eye, since anything is possible now.

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