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Once again I've proven to myself that I just can't stay away from the boys.

I'm supposed to be ignoring them, which I've somewhat successfully been doing the past few weeks, but I guess all good things come to an end. Since yesterday I've been hanging out with them as normal. Maybe not as a group but individually, and I can't lie it does feel nice.

Even today I've spent most of it with Sunghoon, out of all the guys he's the most chilled and relaxed. Not to mention a very easy guy to talk to, I feel like he understands me the most out of everyone.

We're sat on one of the benches outside having a nice conversation. You don't really get deep and personal conversations with they guys, it's very much surface level, but it still feels rewarding in the sense that we're getting closer slowly but surely.

Me and Sunghoon have never talked about that moment at the party, the one time he was vulnerable with me and we both let our guard down. Even though it's not spoken about, our relationship feels like it's shifted, we just refused to recognise it. The tension is there, and sometimes when we look at each other it's like we're saying that we know there may be something there.

My head even hurts just thinking about it, especially with Heeseung who I'm convinced has a slight obsession with me for a reason I don't know. And some of the other guys also give me this kind of energy.

"Jiyeon, you wanna come to our game tonight?" Before I can think about it more, Niki appears out of nowhere and suddenly runs up and hugs me so tightly I can barely breathe.

He finally lets go of me and I can see his warm smile plastered over his face, it makes me feel happy. But then I bring myself back to reality when I see the rest of the boys shortly follow behind.

They're not all what they make themselves out to be. So many questions, not enough answers found.

I have to keep my guard up.

Sunbi was telling me how there's a rugby game tonight, me attending never really crossed my mind. Even the whole day, everyone in school has been talking about this game and how it's very important.

The top two in the league right now are Seoul International High and Seoul Tower Academy, this is their first game playing against each other so that stakes are high.

"Umm, I don't know I'll have to think about it." I say with a forced smile.

As much as I love Niki and the rest of the guys company. I don't want to put myself in any situation that means I'm around them. At the end of the day, me figuring them out is my main priory. And what I've found so for doesn't really make me feel as comfortable to be near them.

I don't want to jump to conclusions with the little but concrete evidence I have yet. But what I've been thinking, as outrageous as it is, only seems to become more plausible the more I ponder on it. And if I'm right, then that's a whole different box to open that I'm not ready for yet.

"Don't worry", Heeseung enters the conversation out of nowhere with a smirk on his face and hands me a ticket, "Now you don't have to think, you're coming."

"And when do I ever do what you say?" I say in a condescending tone with a smile on my face.

Heeseung looks at me for a few moments, creating a very uncomfortable silence between us, then slowly heads towards me.

He doesn't stop until our chests our touch, he leans down until his mouth is by my ear and whispers in my ear.

"Maybe because it would be a shame for the rest of the guys to know you were snooping around the archives..." He pulls back from my ear as he stares at me with an unreadable expression. Arms folded as he towers over my and keeps his eyes on me. My smile fades as quickly as it appeared.

Did Heeseung just threaten me?

There's absolutely no way that he has come to threaten me of all people, the world must've gone mad! Me receiving a threat, it has to be a joke.

To even mention the archives is outrageous of him! What is his problem, to even use that information against me is baffling to me. I'm struggling to process it.

Second of all it's a public school library, so regardless of how many people enter whatever section, I have the access and free will to look at anything inside that place unless told otherwise. I've done nothing wrong and it's not even his place to talk about, my heart nervously races with every second of silence between us.

"So we've gone from flirting to threats now?" I even have to laugh to stop myself from going crazy.

I place my hands by my sides as I blankly stare at Heeseung. The room is even more tense by before, and the boys can notice it. They look just as confused as I am.

"Not a threat, I'm just saying." He shrugs his shoulders as he doesn't let his eyes move away from me.

Disbelief. I'm in complete disbelief at what is happening, and it's rare that anyone let alone a man has me feeling this way. That was definitely a threat if I know anything, so why deny it like an fool?!

Nothing about this conversation is making sense and I'm frozen, I don't have my regular snappy comebacks, I have no idea what to do at all.

"Saying what?" I tilt my head to the side while I stare it him in confusing. I can't even grasp what's happening, this is not the Heeseung I know.

I'm used to him being his annoying and cryptic self, but this feels odd. It doesn't feel the same as all the other conversations we've had in the past.

"Exactly..." He says with a smug look on his face before heading in the direction of the locker room, the guys quickly follow suit leaving me in disbelief.

As much as I don't want to go, I've clearly been backed into a corner. I never though of all guys, Heeseung would resort to threatening me just to attend some silly game. That has just pissed me off and now I have to go against my will. Nothing about this situation will benefit me, it's not best if I go but what choice do I have...

Then again, maybe it's best I do, two can play at that game if that's what Heeseung wants.

Being away from them has only proven to make them leech onto me more. And since it's Seoul Tower they're against, maybe I'll finally get to see K again. Maybe he will be more willing to give me answers now that I'm starting to piece things together. He is a very great ally to have, despite the fact I'm also suspicious of him too. When it comes to the boys and K, this saying comes to mind.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...

Not to say they're exactly my enemies, but since they're hiding stuff from me that can't exactly be my friends either. The point is still made, I'll stay close to they boys. It'll probably stop them getting suspicious, the more I stay away from them the more I realise that they're slowly acting differently. And for K, well having him close means I can figure him out whilst also getting information on the boys.

Essentially it's a win win situation.

Every time I speak to the boys they stare at me more intensely, the red in the eyes seems to get harsher and brighter each time as their frustration rises. The subtlest movement I do now piques their attention, they try to hide it but it's just really obvious to me what there're doing.

And now I can't help but be even more suspicious of Heeseung.

I don't even know how to feel about him, everything just feels so off now. The way he spoke to me was still full of flirtation but it felt very forceful, demanding may be a better choice of words. And not in a good way.He's never acted that way towards me before, especially not threaten me, that's more of how Jay is.

So what has happened for him to randomly change his ways?

He was there while I was in the library, but I never would've thought he'd use that against me. For him to even do that must mean what I found is important. But if he knew what I was doing, what did he not stop me? Especially with the supernatural on the table for discussion now, he could've stopped me from seeing the photos.

But he didn't.

Why didn't he?

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