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After my last episode, me and my aunt decided that I should take the week off school. I've been getting them more recently ever since I moved here and she decided maybe the stress and anxiety of a new school has made it get this bad.

I've spent the whole of my day bored in my room just scrolling through social media. I've spent most of my week of with Shin Young but she was called in for an emergency shift at work so here I am, bored out of my mind. I can't even call Sunbi because she's busy studying for a test.

Then out of nowhere its as if someone answered my prayers to free me from my boredom.

Suddenly I start hearing a strange knocking sound from the window. At first I play it off as my mind playing tricks on me, but then it gets more frequent and louder. Aunt Shin Young isn't home either, so this is really freaking me out. I'm about to call her when I hear a collective of voices yelling my name, all of them so recognisable that I'm almost in disbelief.

I get up from my bed and head over to my window. I pull back the blinds and look down to see exactly who I thought it was . The Wild Ones once again just cannot leave me alone, wherever I go they are evidently bound to follow. I roll my eyes at them as they beam smiles at me from down below, I quickly glance to my ledge to see a pile of rocks covering it.

" Is this an American TV show? Why are you all outside my window? Throwing rocks?" I pick up a handful of the rocks off my legs and hurl them at the boys. They quickly disperse to dodge my incoming attacks which they seemingly do perfectly. It's not long before they all regroup outside my window again.

" Jiyeon, please just come down..." Jake looks at my with his hands clasped and puppy dog eyes, the rest of the guys copying him shortly after.

So this is what it has come to. A group of guys, who I thought I was no longer friends with after our argument, are outside my home begging me to come outside. And do what exactly? In mind we longer have anything to discuss, their efforts are just being wasted.

"We brought peace offerings." Niki holds up a bag from my favourite café, it would take an idiot to know they probably got my favourite things from there.

I stare at the bag and then again at the boys in utter disbelief. They come to my house because they want to talk? And they brought my favourite things from my favourite place to butter me up and convince me outside to go and talk to them. And they genuinely thought it would work.

" Fine." I sigh as I turn away from the window and get my jacket.

Yes I was swayed by their persuasive techniques. I'm really only going because who is going to turn down free food? I may be mad at them, but I'm also hungry so I have to cater to my stomach.

I close the door behind my as I step outside, they all look a little restless but that's not any of my business. I head towards them, stopping so there's significant distance between us. I still don't trust them yet so I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I nod my head towards them, ushering them to say their piece. It doesn't take long before Sunghoon emerges from the crowd of them and steps closer to me, so much for keeping distance.

" You've not been in school for a while now are you okay?" Sunghoon places his hand on my shoulder, his eyes full of worry.

So it takes me not being seen by them for a few days for them to decide now is the perfect time to reconcile. I don't buy it. I step back and take Sunghoon's hand off my shoulder, ignoring his visibly hurt expression.

" Why do any of you care?" I fold my arms and tilt my head to the side, still trying to figure out their intentions of coming all the way here.

Right now I just want my free food.

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