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Flashback, flash forward, maybe even just the trick of the eye. I don't know what it is that I just saw, but I do know that it was definitely me.

Everything felt so real, as if it had truly happened to me. I can't help but think if it has to do with when I lost part of my memory. Just a short but important section of it seems to be missing, maybe this vision has to do with whatever happened that day. Maybe I'm finally getting my memories back, but then there's one more question.

Why did touching Jay allow me to see what I saw? There's no way he's connected to this, I was all the way in Daegu, Jay was too far away. But why can't I shake the feeling that something is off, and not in the way I originally thought.

After my encounter with Jay I roam around the halls of the school, looking for someplace I can be by myself and try to figure everything out. Day 1 of being at my new school and so much has already happened, I have too many thoughts and I haven't got a single one in order.

I keep strolling around until I come across this nice area outside; a secluded wall of the building that faces the forest beside the school, a little overrun with greenery which makes it the perfect place to hide. I head towards the wall, getting ready to relax my body and lean on to it. Just before I can turn my back to face the wall, someone shockingly does the job for me.

In a second I feel a strong grip around my waist and the feel of the soft wind become hard across my face as I'm spun around and slammed into the wall. My back feels a sharp pain as it collides with the concrete surface behind me, this was so unprovoked and unexpected.

I can feel the tall body of the unknown person close to me, our chests just grazing each other and their hand still around my waist. So similar yet so different, I look up slowly to see the person keeping me in the grasp and towering over me and I can barely keep it in.

It's the strange man that I've seen all day, the one that's been present but not fully. Watching everything that's happening to me today from a distance, involved but not at the same time. I was wondering when I was going to properly meet him, never thought it would be in this way!

He looks at me with a bizzare and tempting way, with a gaze that almost every girl could never escape. Pay attention to the work "almost". I immediately break eye contact with him as I roll my eyes and laugh at the fact he has decided to approach me this way. His eyes change from being filled with lust to cold and uptight, and in that moment I push him away from me and stand  confidently.

" If you wanted to flirt with me you could've said so, I've seen you many times today. I get I'm attractive to you but you don't have to follow me." I speak to him in a hushed and somewhat arrogant tone, just to see if it will catch him off guard.

If he wants to play that game with me it's unfortunate, I've played to many times to let anyone win against me.

I don't break eye contact with him as I await his response, indistinguishable. Those dark eyes that are impossible to describe, the eyes of The Wild Ones, this guy has them. I was going to say he must be a part of them, but his energy isn't the same. This mans is more raw, uncontrollable... unpredictable.

Before I can think anymore I watch as the mysterious guy scoffs and raises his eyebrow, what an interesting response, he didn't expect that from me.

"You don't crack under pressure do you? Even after being caught off guard? I came here for one thing, kiss me." His eyes also seem to change a shade of red as he finishes his order, like a deep trance they keep me in my place and I feel like I can't refuse.

I step closer to him, reaching my hands out to caress the back of his head as I lean into him. I watch as he slowly closes his eyes, preparing himself for the moment I fulfil his wish. I shortly follow in closing my eyes, messing with his hair a little as I do so which awakens a smile from his face.

I take a short pause once I feel his breath as are lips almost touch, soft and so delicate. His grip on my waist is tight but comfortable. A moment so sudden, another thing to add to my crazy list of what's happened today. And yet I can't stop myself. I remove one of my hands from the back of his head, both of our eyes still closed.

And in the in final moment I whisper "boo" as my raised hand slams down on the side of his face.

His eyes jump wide and he steps back as he goes to fee his face, trying to comprehend the fact that I've just slapped him. His surprised facial expression immediately sends me into a frenzy of laughter, one where I have to hold onto the wall to make sure I don't fall over.

"Did you REALLY think telling me to kiss you would actually make it happen?! Oh wow,people here are so stupid!" I can barely get my words out as I speak, breathless from the laughter and struggling to keep my composure.

I was playing him the whole time from the moment he ordered me to kiss him. Have them think they have the power until the very last moment, and that's when you switch on them and let them know you've been in control all along.

However at first it was truly hard to deny his request. I genuinely felt compelled to go and do as he said, my hands and body moved on their own as if I was a puppet on a string, but it only lasted a few seconds maybe even only one. Then i regained myself and tricked him.

Laughter, a slow but continuous laughter coming from the man in front of me. An unusual response, probably one of the most interesting ones I've gotten before. The laugh raises in volume as he continues to stand there, it becomes uncontrollable for a while as if he doesn't know what else to do. And then once he calms down, he begins to speak.

"Oh... Oh! I've got it now, well what an unexpected encounter. I'll see you around Jiyeon." I didn't even get his name, he walks around the corner after his words and as I go to follow him...he's already gone. Disappeared, vanished would even be a better choice of words.

Now I'm exhausted, I've gone through too much weird bullshit for me to keep going. I cruise around the rest of the school days keeping my head down and doing my work as I avoid any more uncanny encounters. Luckily I succeeded as the bell signalling the end of the school day rings.

Despite how odd I found her this morning, I ended up befriending Sunbi properly during the rest of my day and now she's going to go home with me. At least that was the original plan, until final period when my aunt texts me that she wants to pick me up on my first day of school. She hints that she may be late but not too long, and she says she'll pick me from a bus stop near school.

Sunbi and I then decided that we'll go hang out in the local cafe as we wait for my aunt. Sunbi doesn't live too far from school so she told me she doesn't mind waiting. We sit down inside the cafe, order an iced coffee each as we talk about how our days went. I don't say much about what happened to me, mostly because she was there for a lot of it but also because I don't know her well enough to spill everything.

We continue to talk and joke around for a long time, to the point there it's dark outside. Just my aunt to come HOURS late, I could've been home and in my bed a long time ago. I'm not too mad about it, I've gotten to know Sunbi better and now I believe she'll be a really good friend for me to have here. And finally the message I have been waiting for comes through my phone from my aunt.

- I'm almost there, wait at the bus stop for me.

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