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The first half starts and it's tense to say the least. We're rivalling teams with a very long history, so I guess that's expected. But as the minutes go by it starts to become a little bit alarming, like something could go left at any second. I try to focus on the gameplay and not the atmosphere.

Jake smiles at me at one point, can he realise how I'm feeling all the way from here? He gives a thumbs up to me as he continues running, only to be aggressively tackled by K. He falls to the floor with such force that you could hear it, he instantly gets up and tries to push him when Jungwon grabs Jake and pulls him aside.

That's the last thing that happens before half time. All I can do is hope that the tension dies down on the break and everything can be somewhat normal again between the teams. Then the second half start, it's not looking good.

The second half of the game isn't any better, if anything the tension has gotten worse. K is doing his best to provoke the boys; purposely tripping them up, whispering things to rile them up. The boys look like they're almost at their breaking point, their brewing rage could be felt for miles.

And then Sunoo, Niki and Jay start to provoke the team back.

"Something doesn't feel right Jiyeon." I look briefly as Sunbi, trying to keep my eyes focused on what's happening on the field.

That lingering tension I felt before is now extremely thick and inescapable. Everytime the guys move around the pitch, the pushes and tackles get more aggressive and seem a bit more personal.

"You're right... I don't like this." I whisper to her. I don't really know why, everyone watching is feeling this energy, it's not like it's a mystery.

"Fuck you!" Heeseung's shouts could be heard from the very back of the stands. Everyone focuses even more on the circle forming between the two teams in the middle of the field.

He harshly shoved K, to which K does the same thing back even harder, before the rest of their teammates run to split them apart. The referee keeps blowing the whistle to get them to stop, with no avail. They continue to argue back and forth, even from this distance I can see Heeseung's eyes blazing with rage. The rest of the boys just look confused.

"Why don't you stop acting like a bitch and do something..." K laughs as the rest of his team try to hold him back.

This is definitely now what I signed up for, the best thing for me to do is take Sunbi and get as far away from here as possible. Just as I stand up I hear a loud yell, almost animalistic, it comes from K. It quickly grabs my attention and I turn to look at him to see he's already looking at me.

Our eyes meet for only a quick second, so quick that nobody picks up on it, but there's an underlying message behind this look. And I understand it instantly, it's like I can hear K telling me that he wants me to see what happens, just from an exchange of looks.

I reluctantly sit back down to see what unfolds.

"K shut up before-" Jay decided to speak up, clearly frustrated by what's going on. He's just as confused as the rest of the guys, but I've heard he's known to always defend his friends first and find answers later.

K's team get visibly angry at Jay's sudden appearance. Before it was just a matter between Heeseung and K, but it seems his intervention is going to make all of this blow even more out of proportion.

Which is exactly what happens.

"Before what?" Another guy from K's side yells as he steps forward. I've seen his face before, he's always around K but I've never really spoken to him so I don't know much about him.

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