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I don't even know what to say about Heeseung's exit. I can't believe what's just happened, there's no way he would go out of his way to tease me like.

He's so frustrating, in a way that makes me want to be around him more. How can he just act like he's going to kiss me then walk away at the last moment? That shouldn't be legal to do, just raised my heartbeat for absolutely no reason. And the smirk he gave me before he left, he knew exactly what he was doing, he knows that he gets to me. That only irritates me more.

However, I can't dwell on that for too long, I'm in the middle of an investigation. After that I can't help but pray that whatever I find won't ruin whatever you would call this thing between. Since when was there an us anyways?

And by the way my body is unconsciously trembling just from the energy of the book, I know that whatever inside definitely has some sort of hint, or information about the boys that I've been looking for.

However, the more I think about it, the more I actually don't want to open it anymore. I've only just grown to like them and vice versa, what If what I find is extremely damaging? Then again, if  I've only just started to enjoy their company, it shouldn't be too hard to go back to how it was before.

But deep down I know that this has to be done. I didn't start this not knowing that my friendship with them may become ruined, I knew what I was getting myself into. And with the answer possible a page turn away, I can't just give up now.

Whatever happens, happens. I just have to accept whatever outcome that will arise because of what I'm doing. I owe it it K, to myself, to figure out who these boys are and what their intentions are.

As I touch the book I immediately find myself in a series of flashbacks yet again.

I'm used to just seeing flashes of red, and fists and screams. Flashes that I'm slowly getting convinced are my own memories that I've forgotten. But the ones I'm seeing now are much much worse, and they're definitely not mine.

I see a series of princes, or some sort of noblemen desperately running away. A flash. Then behind them I see a black mist following after them. Another flash. The men are slowly getting swallowed by the mist one by one. Another flash. They're in a room before a lady holding a vial of red before pouring it.

The flashes and events get faster and harsher as I start to feel a severe amount of anger and distress, that is not my own, flow through me.

And then I'm dragged through time?

I see many different eras, many of them I don't even know, all I know is that they're definitely ones from a long time ago. A flash. A group of men, faces all hidden by caps surrounding a big table. Then a frenzy of yells and screams flood my ears, continuing for what feels like years as I struggle to get the noises out of my head.

I try to bring myself back to reality.

I'm in a library at Seoul International High School. It is present day and I'm trying to read a book. A very important book, about the boys. This investigation is vital, and I have to do it!

In that moment I break free from the flashback, I feel my nose start to bleed as my head tries to stop itself from spinning too much. I almost fall over, regaining balance at the right moment.

Now that was the weirdest flashback yet.

Those are definitely not anything to do with me, so who are they to do with? And why trigger right when I try to open the book? I shake away the thoughts, giving time for my brain to relax.

Something important has to be inside here, the way my body has been reacting since I saw this book has to prove for something. I take a deep breath as I reluctantly flip open the cover to the book and flip through a few pages.

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