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Shortly after grabbing me, the person puts a blindfold on me. All I'm doing is trusting their movements and hoping they're not trying to do anything crazy. But I'm so desperate to know what's going on and where they're taking me, I have to say something.


" Where are you taking me?" I try to shake my hand from his grasp but he only holds on tighter and walks even faster.

I don't even know why I asked that. He's never direct with me ever, he unfortunately loves to uphold his mysterious side, and it only makes me more uncomfortable as I blindly follow him. Literally.

"Are you even listening to me K?!" I yell a bit louder as I try to free myself from his grasp again with no success. I hear him grunt lowly and I realise I probably shouldn't have said anything.

Of all people to come to my front door, I never would've expected it would've been K. We do talk quite a bit, but I never would've expect him to come to my home. We don't know each other well enough for that.

I'm still a bit confused about him and the last conversation we had. This whole calculations thing. I still don't understand it, probably just as much as he's struggling to understand me. But knowing he's been trying to analyse me so deeply does make me feel very uneasy.

" Quiet." his voice is cold and stern. I want to speak again, but in this situation he clearly has the advantage. So I keep my mouth shut.

We walk for what feels like days but was only around twenty minutes. My muscles ache with each step, after the fight and that weird vision I've been feeling really weak. Bordering the line of alarming, but I ignore it and keep walking. Following K's lead before we finally come to a stop.

Whatever the destination is, we're here.

I stand still and use my other remaining senses to figure out my surroundings. The wind is soft and gentle, it sounds peaceful as it dances around me. There's no other sort of sound, no hint of any wildlife or animal nearby. The air is crisp, we have to be in forest of some sort. This area feels like it's consumed by nature, that's all I can gather without my sight.

Suddenly, the cloth tied around my head is removed and slowly falls down to reveal my location. I was right, we're in a forest. But it's a lot different than I anticipated.

We're in the clearing of a forest. Before me is a random empty and flat lay of land, surrounded by a series of tall dark oak trees in a large circle. There's no clear trail, no sense of direction. For something so out of place, it seems to fit perfectly well.

In the middle of the empty plot is something I don't expect, hedges. A collection of bushed green huddled around together in a circular formation, just like the trees. The only different is this mix of hedges is completely dense, you can't see anything inside.

I take a hesitant step forward and see there's an opening among the hedge, just about seeing the connecting pathways following from it. It's a maze, how strange. A randomly placed maze in the middle of a forest, it doesn't sound real. Yet I'm seeing it with my own eyes.

Right in that moment, K walks up to me until he's directly behind me. I can't feel him but I can sense his nearby aura. Then his arm brushes past me as he casually points towards the entrance of the hedged maze.

"Enter through there." his voice is in a similar tone as before, this time with a bit of irritation mixed in. He quickly lowers his hand, it disappearing from my sight.

He can't be serious. K has dragged me all the way to a secluded first with no other signs of life, and now he wants me to willingly walk into this maze with no doubts. Everything about this screams suspicious.

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