He was looking at me

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Your POV:

Ok, this is fine.

This is not fine.

I just realized that this is the second time today that Tsukishima scolded me because of something I said... he probably hates it when people aren't direct about what they want...right? Wrong. Maybe... He's not usually like this, he doesn't give lectures, he makes jokes and teases people, he doesn't talk to anyone other than Yamaguchi unless he needs to. He likes it when people are an arms length away at their closest. I feel like I'm short circuiting.

I'm sitting next to Kyoko senpai, I already feel comfortable with her. She was the person I met with first about the end of the year banner for the team. She doesn't know that I also put her and Yachi on the banner but I think it'll be a nice surprise for her.

Most of the time I'm just watching Tsukishima- and Yamaguchi...haha yea. I watch both of them equally. Because they are my friends. Friends. Do they consider me their friend? I mean I try to talk to them and make them comfortable with me around but that doesn't mean I automatically get to be called their friend...


He looked at me.

I was staring at him. And he caught me. AGAINNNNNNNN!!!!! Look, he's super creeped out, even his face got red. *inner thought gasp* what if he thinks I was watching him romantically and he's red because he's so angry at me- his heads gonna explode with rage!- ...I don't think he's homophobic but he hates it when people have crushes on him- not that I do- and he'll probably tell me off if he thinks I like him.


He turned towards me again... I was still staring at himmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

*turning away from him, you try to make conversation with the managers to hide the blush (and embarrassment) on your face*

Tsukishima's POV:
*three minutes earlier*

I looked towards him to see how he was doing. This probably wasn't the first time he had seen a volleyball practice or any sports practice. So he should be fine.




I'm not blushing because he was looking at me. I've been running around and doing exercise so the blood rushed to my face. He's not looking at me because I have anything on my face though... right? *he wipes his face with his shirt, revealing his abdomen. You unconsciously look and turn even more red than before.*

*the ginger and raven haired duo do their quick*

Ok he's probably already forgotten about what just happened and is looking at the crazy duo in awe. I mean what normal person wouldn't want to look at a flashy, athletic, energetic duo instead of a boring guy who can just barely block a spike...




I am not blushing, my face is just extremely warm because of the gyms lights. I am totally, one hundred percent, not blushing because he was still looking at me.... Does he like how middle blockers play? Does he like it when players block spikes? Is he just interested in the training I'm doing? He might have noticed my sports glasses and was thinking about how they're different from my casual glasses... Maybe it's because I was the one who invited him to stay so he feels obligated to look at me while I'm practicing. That seems more likely. I mean why would he look at me anyway? It's not like I'm-

" Tsukishima!" Huh?



Your POV:

"Is he dead? You're not dead right? Is your nose broken? Your glasses! I saw that they were different but they're not broken right?!" "I'm fine (L/n)." "But you got hit really hard... I was distracting you, sorry." *You reach your hand out to place it on Tsukishima's shoulder but decide against it*

"What makes you think that?" "Huh?" "People are looking at me everyday, it's not like I can blame everything that happens to me on that right? Besides, you think your stare has enough power to bring me down?" "I guess not... I probably creeped you out, I should wait by the gates!"

"Hold up. I invited you to come to a volleyball practice and you think I'd find it weird that you watched the practice?" *insert Bitch face that screams I'm better than you* "O-oh, you're right, I read too much into it. I can get you some ice though."

I turn towards their coach and Daichi to see if I could get permission.

"Oh, of course you can get him ice, it'd be better if you did actually. Let's do a small break! Once you get the ice, bring some towels from the drawer to the right of the fridge."

" Thanks coach....-" "Ukai, coach Ukai." "Thanks coach Ukai!"

*You go to get the Ice and Towels*

3rd person POV:

" This is the first time I've ever seen anyone show such genuine care for Tsukishima." "Other than Yamaguchi." "Yea but Yamaguchi is a given, (L/n) is completely new to us" *a chorus of 'yea's and 'mhm's are heard* *Tsukishima feels a chill Down his spine as his entire team stare him down, looking for answers*

"(L/n) is our friend, he's super caring so he'd respond like that towards even a stranger." "Urusai Yamaguchi." "Gomen Tsukki."

"Does he play Volleyball?" "You don't need to know the answer to that." "Whyyyyyyy???" "You won't leave him alone if you know the answer." "Boooo, so meannnnnn."

"Can you guys stop flanking me now?" *a bunch of 'sure's and 'yea's are heard*

(Y/n) comes back with ice and towels shortly after, the girls come with bottles of water for everyone. Practice resumes as usual, (Y/n) tries to split the time he looks at everyone equally but he finds it to be quite difficult. After an hour and a half, practice is over.

Your POV:

I'll just wait at the benches until they change back and go.

I heard them call me their friend... Well, Yamaguchi said it but Tsukishima didn't deny it so I'm assuming he agrees. Yus~I've hit the jackpot~ Mission one: accomplished! Become the blonde and brunette's friennnnnnnd! And the second mission is... There is no second mission. Only one and I have done it. Yes.

The boys leave the locker room and I follow them out. I'm not intruding because they invited me to go to the gate with them, and I have to work on the project with Tsukishima... Right, they won't mind hanging out with me just a bit longer.

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