Practice and wandering eyes

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Tsukishima's POV:

Ok so during lunch, that second year was definitely trying to confess to (N/n). They went to a secluded area so that he could give an answer. Now, when they came back, they were holding hands; it was probably subconscious because neither of them made a big deal about it. And Ishii didn't mention the hand-holding either so no one except me noticed.... The second year was blushing a lot harder than before and (N/n) had tinted cheeks. He was also holding the pink envelope in his hands....




He probably rejected him... right? Honestly (L/n) should have a girlfriend at this point. He's not against gay people or gay couples though, seeing as he really likes 'Symptoms of Being Human': the textbook definition of queer youth.... I may have searched online for information on the book and the type of people that usually read books like it.... Maybe he actually does like guys and the reason he still had the envelope when he came back was because he accepted and now they were secretly together!

Considering (N/n)'s personality, he'd probably gravitate towards stronger guys (since he seems like he likes feeling protected), they should be responsible, open about their emotions, easy to talk to, creative, they should have similar interests, he should also be attentive, and he should joke around a bit (since he loves it when people make jokes).

Now you're starting to sound like a stalker Kei.... I mean, this is normal stuff you find out once you've been someone's friend for a while.... Who am I kidding? I basically described an idealized version of myself. Like (N/n) would ever like someone like me... I'm rude, lanky, snarky, I don't know anything about art, I haven't even told him that I think of him as more than a- stranger... because I think of him as a friend.... F r i e n d... riiiighttt.... This isn't helping.





Maybe I should just go see a therapist instead of making myself feel like shit whenever I have feelings.....


...Forget I even thought about this and ignore whatever realization I just had about (N/n)! That seems a lot better and will no doubt have zero impact to my ability to connect with my emotions in a healthy and responsible way!

I finished getting dressed and left the locker room to start getting ready for practice, Yamaguchi not far behind.

I finished getting dressed and left the locker room to start getting ready for practice, Yamaguchi not far behind

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*And a short explanation about today's practice schedule later*

.... So we're going to be doing a skirmish.... Greeeeaaaatttt.... Another forty minutes where the rest of my team tells me I should push myself beyond my limits while ignoring me when I tell them I don't want to fuck my body up during a normal mid-week practice.... Not in the mood to finish the school year off with a finger cast on thank you very much....

"Whooo! Tsukki! I'm rooting for you! Your team better win!"




Now that I think about it, skirmishes are a good way to practice how you'll react in a game against other teams. Very good on coach Ukai's part to plan this. It'll be a challenge standing ou- I mean, participating in the game- since I'm on the same team as the freak duo... Yea...

*he turns to look back at (N/n)*

(N/n) is energetically talking with the managers. He's holding his bags pretty close to his person. Then, I notice it.

He still has that letter in his hand. I mean it wouldn't be that bizarre for him to date Ishiguro... besides the fact that he could do better than that second year. He just- maybe he's just being a wingman. I don't know why I even though (N/n) would like dudes, just cuz he showed me one book? C'mon Kei.

... There are a lot of girls that are strong, funny, and creative like him in the art club. He's probably already dating one of those girls, stop worrying about whether or not you have a chance with-!

"Tsukishima! Stop spacing out, we're about to start" Fucking tangerine interrupting my thoughts.

2nd person POV:

*Right after it's announced that there's going to be a skirmish between the members*

(To Shimizu) "So yea! I'm really proud of it. After all the hard work this team has put in to make it this far, you guys deserve to have it immortalized!"

"I'm so happy you think so too (L/n)."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"-Nothing Yamaguchi! Just how happy I am at how much I get to hang out with you and Tsukki these days."

That was close! Just a couple more days and I can be fully honest with you Yamaguchi...!

"We feel the same way! Actually, Tsukki told me about how you got nicknames for each other-"

"Oh yea, you can call me by that nickname too."

"Thanks! I actually wanted to ask you a favor... (N/n)."

So cute,,,!


"Could you encourage Tsukki to try really hard in the skirmish today? You always seem to change how you act when you're around him and... since we're friends now, you don't need to do that anymore."

"I just thought that since he doesn't like attention, I should be less hyper with him."

"I know, and you're really accommodating for stuff like that but... I was thinking that he might feel like you're keeping him at arms length y'know? He asked you to call him Tsukki, and I thought that maybe he wants you to treat him like a friend rather than someone you don't want to piss off? That might just be my perception and I'msosorryI'mbuttinginandI'mprobablywrong-"

"-Oh my god! I never thought of it like that! It's no wonder it took me so long to be close with you guys... I was pushing you away subconsciously.... I'm sorry."

"Nonono, you shouldn't be sorry! I just wanted to bring a new perspective."

"We'll then I'll be watching you and Tsukki closely! So look out!"


*yamaguchi jogs towards the net where Tsukki is*

What Yamaguchi said is right. I was so worried about him hating me that I probably made it seem like I didn't like him... I need to test this theory!

"Whooo! Tsukki! I'm rooting for you! Your team better win!"

*Tsukishima turns his head in your direction, he looks like he's trying to solve a really complex math problem. Then, he nods at you and turns back to his teammates*

W-wow. I've never gotten such a cute response out of him. I guess he likes being praised... cute.


Not cute! Don't say that- you're getting too attached!


But Yamaguchi did say that I could get closer to them... I guess I should let loose a little bit...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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