Art club and... Lectures?!

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*last chapter*

Your POV:

".... We'll be late for practice at this rate...." "Right! Let's get going Tsukki. (L/n), do you wanna walk with us?"

"Of course! Let's go!"

*this chapter*

Your POV:

"Bye you guys! Hope you kill it in practice today! I'm gonna hang out at the art club if you need anything

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"Bye you guys! Hope you kill it in practice today! I'm gonna hang out at the art club if you need anything.... JUST MAKE SURE TO KNOCK.... Be...causeee..... the girls are shy. They don't like showing their unfinished works so...yea."

Crisis averted

"See you in class (N/n)." "Tsukki what did you-" *you see the blond blush*

"I'll tell you later Yamaguchi." "Ok!"

"Bye Tsukki, Yamaguchi."

"What is happeni-" "Didn't I say I'd tell you later? He has to go to his club and so do we. Let's go."

"Fine. But you have to tell me! Bye (L/n)! Or maybe (N/n) I don't know yet- neither of you decided to tell me about it!-"

"Yamaguchi..." "-bye!"

I might've made Yamaguchi feel left out... I'm sure Tsukishima will explain it in a way that is blunt and not biased so as to make Yamaguchi understand the situation! .... What is the situation? It's just a nickname....

Whoopsie, my thought privileges have been revoked. I'm reaching far too close to a conclusion that'll end up making me feel like horse shit!

Onwards and upwards!

*some time laterr*

"Did you guys miss your favorite, all around perfect, the bestest friend to ever have, most all around attractive guy?"

"We haven't seen Oikawa since Karasuno's last practice match with Aoba Jonsai."

"I'm going to go jump off the building, thanks for having me, my will is in the tool box next to the fridge."

"No! Don't say tha-"

"Who gets the paint once you're side-walk gum?"

"Hana! You're not supposed to encourage him! You're the president!.... But really who gets it?"

"My brother! Duh! If he sells all that stuff, he'll be able to afford more than three years worth of allowances."

"It's always (B/n)...."

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