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(B/n): brother's name
Your POV:

"Mornin' big bro." Please do not speak to me, or look at me, or touch me. I am disgusting and so are you. I hate everything and everyone. Don't 'Mornin' me!

"I don't know how you wake up looking like you're going to commit mass murder every morning and still end up being an actually functioning member of society before school starts."

"You see what I have to deal with? every morning? My brother, everybody! I hate him most in the mornings, he doesn't do anything wrong, it's just that mornings make everything quantifiably worse."

"Yoo-hoo (Y/n)! You said those words out loud! If you're gonna continue to hate morning people, do it in your head."

Blablablablablhablah.... dO iT in YoUr HeAd~

"You still said that one out loud!" "Shut up (B/n)"

"I don't know why you insist on making me wake you up so early when you obviously hate it (Y/n)."

"My dear sweet stupid little brother.... I wake up early so that I can get over the fact that I hate mornings before I leave the house. That way no one at school knows how much of a dick I can be." *cue the know-it-all smile that makes you look like an asshole*

"I don't know how people at your school like you. I don't know how anyone in any of the schools you've ever gone to have liked you (Y/n)."

"I make an effort to be a person people want to be around~" "I wasn't asking for pointers, I don't need to be on good terms with everyone, that's exhausting. I just hang out with people I want to hang out with."

"It's good to be accessible to everyone though?" "(Y/NNNNNNNNNNN)"

"Will you look at the time?! Time to get dressed and go to school!" "So you're not gonna eat breakfast?"

"(B/n), I'm not an idiot, I'll get something from the convenience store-" "-Ahem- I already made you a sandwich and coffee (Y/n). You need to start diversifying your breakfast, don't depend on me to make you a home cooked meal."

"It only took you one year to go from being my little brother who was in his first year of middle school, who needed my help with everything; to my mother in his second year of middle school, who makes me food and asks why I come home late at night."

"Someone has to make sure you don't die! I bet you made me a bento last night but forgot to make one for yourself!"

"Ooo- got me there little b~" "Forget it, I reheated some leftovers and put them in your bento, you're coming home late the rest of the week right?" "Yessir!" "Even if it's unhealthy, you need to eat at least something before coming home at eight pm. Listen to me (Y/n)! Get some takeout or fast food or anything! Just fill your belly!"

"Thanks (B/n), I owe ya one." "It's normal, you take care of me and I take care of you, that's how being brothers works."

"I loveee you sooo muuuuuchhhhh byeeeeeee!!!!"


*you slam the door and start on your walk towards the school*

He could become a chef with these sandwich making skills... if I didn't cook for him, he would probably be able to do it himself just fine... GAH! I wanna feel needed but it's so nice to know that if I'm not around, he'll be able to support himself wellllllll!
*Dramatic tears roll down your face as you continue to eat your breakfast and drink your coffee.*

Maybe when Tsukishima- or Tsukki... yea... Tsukki~....




-once we start on the poster board, I can do the line art and then we'll both work on adding values. Since it's manga-esque, we should only use gray and black shading techniques. I'll get him the easiest 'A' he's ever gotten! We'll finish in record time too! I am worried about what we'll draw though, I'm no good when it comes to actions scenes-especially without reference.... We'll cross that bridge when we get there!

It's funny, I always walk to school with my head in the clouds but I've never actually bumped into anyone before... I guess the saying about always paying attention to your surroundings isn't as important as I thought...

*you feel a rough tug on the collar of your blazer*

"Huh. It seems like I've just now learned how to float. My feet are only inches off the ground but I can tell I'll fly far..."

"Stop being an idiot, you almost walked into the pole so I stopped you."

"Tsukishima! Why didn't you call out to me instead?"

"Firstly, do you have memory loss? Stop using my full name, it feels like I'm about to conquer Korea when you do that. And I did call out to you, you just fully ignored me."


"Hey!" *he snaps his fingers* "Are you a busted record now?"

"Sor-" *you put a hand over your mouth*

".... Sometimes I forget you've always been like this and that there's no one forcing you to act like the kids bop version of a Christian youth group leader."

"Is it just me or are your insults getting more out of the ordinary these days Tsukki?"

"Says the guy who literally asked me to call him Mister TedTalk. That seems pretty out of the ordinary for me."

"You know what?.... You can call me something else...I now see the error in my waysssss..."

"Then I'll just call you (N/n) instead."

*(n/n) is a nickname for your last name rather than first name*

...Wow that went so much better than I thought it would. This is the first time anyone's used a nickname for me since grade school! And they only used it back then to bully me! I'm so happy about this turn of events~

"Wait- Where's Yamaguchi?" "He's inside the convenience store, wanted to get a sandwich for breakfast."

*cue fist bump to spite your know-it-all brother who acts like eating at a convenience store is the same as spitting on a granny*

"I'm deciding to ignore that."

"Good. Also, why are you here? Shouldn't you be waiting for him at the store?"

"Look directly behind me you airhead."

*you see the sign clear as day, you are both in front of the convenience store"

"I usually just let my feet guide me so I don't really notice anything around me."

"As the guy who had to physically stop you from impacting the light pole in front of you, I have noticed."

"Tsukki, I'm done getting my stuff! I was thinking of getting you something but decided not to- oh, hi (L/n)!"

"Hi Yamaguchi!"
*you both just stare at each other sweetly, it feels similar to when you lock eyes with a baby, but they're both rays of sunshine that would rob any normal human of their sight if they looked too directly at your smiles*




Tsukishima's POV:

...Is this a new form of flirting?

Your POV:

".... We'll be late for practice at this rate...." "Right! Let's get going Tsukki. (L/n), do you wanna walk with us?"

"Of course! Let's go!"

You don't have to | Tsukishima x male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now