Book Review

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2nd person POV:

You and Tsukishima sit down at the table and begin to work. He's reading the book you suggested. Which makes you unbelievably nervous. 'Symptoms of Being Human'  is a book about a gender fluid individual who creates a blog about their life, they're the child of a politician and has trouble in their new school due to criticism from bigoted individuals, the criticism revolves around their gender and homophobia from their classmates. The book has a variety of characters ranging from different sexualities, gender identities, and a bunch of characters who are POC, which is frequently underrepresented in LGBTQ+ media with a young adult audience. Long story short, it's your favorite book ever. The different characters and scenarios helped you find yourself when you were still in a very vulnerable place concerning your sexuality.

It was the first book that came to your head when Tsukishima asked you for the project but you were now regretting giving it to him. The spine was ruffed up, the pages yellowed, hell, you even had annotations where you felt especially moved by the writing. Anyone could tell at a glance that you read this book a lot. You had the Japanese version but the original text has so much emotions that's missed when translation happens.

Tsukishima was on a rollercoaster while reading this book. A sneak peak into his thoughts as he's reading the first chapter:
Is this his way of telling me he's like gayyyyyy?? Nope, don't start acting like those cartoonish bullies from the book. Not that I'd mind if he was gay. He's probably been asked out by a bunch of girls since our first day so it's probably impossible for him to be gay... That's so stupid, you're reading too much into this. He just likes this book- it actually has good writing.... It's pretty advanced level stuff considering we're not native English speakers... I do get enough of it to understand. 


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"Soooo, I know you're like super focused on the book right now but I thought you might need something to drink? Coke?" *you hover a can of cola towards Tsukishima, your (favorite soda) next to your sketchbook, the cap already opened*

"Thanks, haven't drunk something since practice." "I don't wanna hold you up too long, you don't need to finish the whole book tonight."
You hoped he wouldn't finish the book. It somehow felt like you were confessing all of your deeply hidden feelings to him- about your sexuality, not at all anything about how you feel towards the blonde, that would be weird and out of pocket. You were very worried about him somehow finding the book disgusting and obscene- in turn making you disgusting and obscene in Tsukishima's eyes.

He looks at you, he notices you fidgeting with your mechanical pencil. Your face is scrunched up and you look like you want to drop everything and run.

"I like the book." You suddenly turn to look at his face, you realize you've been holding your breath this entire time.

"You like it? I didn't think it was your style." "Well I probably wouldn't have picked it off the shelf, that's where you came in (L/n) since you suggested it, I decided to try it out. I actually like the subject matter."

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