Pride month bonus

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Your POV (bonus!):

*in the art room, almost end of lunch*

"Well, I'd love to continue to be endlessly given love and affection but I have to get to class. Don't forget, don't out me by accident! Nakado got a little too close for comfort when she said that she'd be comfortable with me washing her back because she knew I wouldn't do anything to her!"

"I'm sorry! They asked which guy I'd like to go to the hot springs with and I gave too much detail to my answer! I covered it by saying I wasn't your type though!"

"Yea and you almost got beat up by Imari because of it."

"How was I supposed to know the one girl at school who looked exactly like me was about to confess to you that day?!"

"I'm just saying, for my safety, and yours, make sure not to tell anyone that I'm gay. And don't tell people that we're in a relationship to hide it if it slips out. Certain girls will definitely antagonize you and we'll both be in the danger zone. If anyone of you think a guy is trying to get with you but you don't want to get with him, don't use me as a scapegoat- he will not get angry at me, he will get angry at you. If he's bothering you I'll just beat him up instead, that way you won't get hate-crimed. In any case, dontsayanythingaboutmylovelifeatallthanks."

"We got it! You've been a real help to us the past year, you've become kinda like our protector-" "-or lawyer!"

"Yea! Remember when he went to the police with me and a bunch of other girls to help report Miura? We were so scared but having (L/n) around felt like having a bodyguard, an attorney, and a parent to protect us!"

"We want to protect you too!"


I don't do these frequently but I decided that I wanted to explain the situation concerning your sexuality socially. You've only come out to the art club, and your brother of course. So you sometimes have these little talks with the girls concerning how to be good lgbtq+ allies and how to keep your queer friends safe when in an unfamiliar environment. Also about how teenage sadism has no restraint when left unchecked. Just in case any of you guys were wondering how these girls knew but Tsukishima was still grasping at straws to find even a hint as to his preferences.

I've also written everything up until now during pride month. As a gay man myself, I always surround myself with supportive allies, not everyone always has the liberty to do that, so as the month comes to an end: Happy pride, stay safe, and hopefully, enjoy this little safe space where you can live in and be a quirky teenager with nothing better to do than be gay and have social anxiety. A world where you're surrounded by fifteen teenage girls who will support you no matter what you do. And where your Art Club President with her two girlfriends will always treat you like family.

P.s. (if you wanna know their names, I can write it as a bonus, just comment.)

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