Id love to

70 6 4

Your POV:

After the Ishiguro situation, the day went by normally. I did feel like someone was looking at me for a while but I guessed that it was pretty normal considering that I was sitting in the front row.

The afternoon bell rang, signaling the end of school and beginning of extracurricular activities. You stretched out of your seat and got ready to water the flowers.

As you make the dirt surrounding the plants damp, you make sure the plants are in their proper positions, and gave them a small pep-talk for the day, you're done.

You turn around just to make sure the classroom was tidy. You were always the last one to leave so you might as well leave it looking shiny.




Jesus fucking Christ!

"How long have you two been here?!" You direct the question towards the blonde and brunette duo, seemingly waiting for you at their respective desks. The blonde is snickering to himself.

"Are you just always an airhead?"

"We told you we'd wait until you finished flower duty so we could all go to the gym together. You even agreed with us..."

I really am an Airhead. No thoughts floating in my head before I speak or act, only an empty void where my thoughts should be.

"You look like you saw the ghost of your dead hamster dancing salsa on your pillow."

I don't even think I'm going to have time to analyze this insult before he keeps goin-

" I'm guessing your head was in the clouds when you responded to us right?"

"You got me!" You awkwardly shrug and try to walk over to the boys without seeming like a robot.

"You'll let me watch again?"

"Of course! Knowing that my friend was there cheering me on made me feel so much more confident when I was practicing my serves!"

"I'm so happy I helped! I wish I could come to all of your practices..."

"You can come the rest of the week if you'd like."

The three of you were walking to the gym leisurely. After the suggestion Tsukishima made, you couldn't help but look up at him. His face was slightly tinted pink, he had already switched to wearing his sports glasses, he hasn't gotten a trim in a while so his hair looks longer than usual, his headphones aren't around his neck like usual, he had already taken his jacket off; he looked perfect...






Y'know how friends do.

"Id love to come Tsukki."

You both stare at each other for a little bit. You break the gaze by accidentally bumping into a pillar.

"Do I need to carry you wherever I go just to make sure you don't get a concussion?"

"Owwww,,,, and yes, if you have the stamina to babysit my poor forehead, I'll take you up on that offer."

You all arrive at the gym and the boys split off to change while you take a b-line towards the managers. Most of the team was already there at this point, practice hadn't started yet due to the school giving the students some time in-between school chores and club. The players were usually never given any chores due to their being very devoted to their extracurriculars but it never hurt to have some down time for these athletes.

You don't have to | Tsukishima x male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now