Mister TedTalk

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Your POV:

"Bye Yamaguchi! I'll see you tomorrow!" "Bye (L/n)! See you then!"

"Hey (L/n), when we're at the library, let's just talk about when we'll meet up for the rest of the week. I want to read the book before we decide on anything." "Perfect! I'll just start on the paneling, it doesn't have anything to do with the book itself, it's just mapping out where everything will go, so that way, we're still working on the project and getting ahead." "You can do that? Are there poster boards in the library?" "Oh, no, I'm going to be thumb-nailing. It's like making a mini version of what we're going to do so it won't have that much detail, only the general idea. I have my sketchbook so we'll be good." "Ok."

Crisis averted, no awkward silence, no stuttering, we are cruising through this.... Scratch the awkward silence bit. I should make conversation. No I shouldn't. Tsukishima doesn't like small talk (Y/n)! The optimal outcome is us just walking in silence until we reach the library.... Why doesn't he have his headphones on already?

"I didn't think you were the athletic type." "Huh?" "You bolted from the classroom all the way to the gym right?" "Oh uh yea, but it wasn't all that good, I was basically having an asthma attack by the time I actually entered the gym." "I could feel that."


Holy shit every time I forget that I jumped on him, he mentions something to make me remember oh god please help me not look like a creepy fanboy who's blushing over having basically hugged him without permission. Since, y'know, I'm not his fanboy or anything. I'm just a normal boy who he is friends with.

"You didn't already forget about the fact that you literally pounced on me and stayed there for a solid two minutes, right?" "Of course not, how could I forget? Not that I was actively thinking about it.... that would be weird and creepy....sorry it's just that I'm just super embarrassed about how I acted, especially since it was only Nishinoya- senpai the entire time. And I probably made you super exhausted and annoyed by having to carry and put me down and invite me to your practice and also come to the library to work on the project you have with me-"

"I'm pretty sure that if Sasaki- sensei was grading what you just said, you'd get a zero just because of that run-on sentence." "Haha, thanks."

"Why thanks?" "Well... Your jokes always make me feel better when I'm not feeling all that great." "The real joke here is the fact that you thought what I just said was a joke and not an insult." "Hahahaha!" *he gives you a quizzical look*

"Let- haha- let me correct myself. Whenever I talk to you, I feel so much better than before. Even if what comes out of your mouth happens to be an insult." *closed eyed smile*

Tsukishima's POV:

*Just after he said: "You didn't already
forget about the fact that you literally pounced on me and stayed there for a solid two minutes, right?"*

For a second I thought I was acting like a creep for being the only one who remembered that I was cradling him in my arms when he bolted through the gym. I mean it's normal to remember that stuff. And think about it constantly. I was carrying him as a friend would because he was afraid. There is no other reason he would've chosen me to jump on and hug- I mean hold onto. I'm just a familiar face. Nothing else to it.

*insert most sincere compliment
Tsukishima has ever heard be directed towards himself*

I know I automatically just threw an insult at him to stop him from rambling about his 'mistakes' from today but it caught me super off guard when he complimented me. So the obvious answer to deflect from my obviously flustered face was to insult him again. Duh. So I did. And then he said he just liked talking to me, even if I insulted him. So here I am. Face tomato red from the embarrassment of being complimented by anyone other than my family and Yamaguchi.




His cologne still smells nice. Maybe I could ask him what it's name is.... I only want to ask because I think I'd like to wear it, not because it suits him very well.


"Let's go in, you have to guide me to the reserved room, I don't know which one is yours." "Sure, follow me."

Your POV:

I couldn't really tell if his face looked angry or annoyed, it got dark pretty quick. I'm gonna assume the compliment went well because he didn't insult me for it.

"This is it!" "It's locked." "Duh, I have the key. Only I'm allowed inside, well, me and whoever I invite to sit with me."
"I didn't know the library did this stuff, it seems like they've done it for a while." "They only offer the option to rent a private room to regulars, it's pretty nice. I rent this one so it lasts yearlong ."
"Seriously? That seems like overkill. Why not just study at home?"
"Oh um..." " You say 'oh' and 'um' a lot you know."
"Oh- shit um- shit, it's just habit at this point sorry." "So why rent when you can work at home?"
" All of the space I have in my house for studying are basically reserved for my art."
".... Seriously."
"Well excuse me, art is my main hobby, side hustle, and it's what I want to do once I graduate."

"You've already got all of that planned?"
"No no of course not. I'm only a first year. I'm just my happiest when I do art, so why would I force myself to do anything else when I can just fuel my interest."

"Has anyone told you that you sound like a TedTalk lecturer?"
"You'd be the first. That would be a cool nick name though, it's snarky and memorable."
"What, Mister TedTalk?" "YES! It's perfect! Call me that sometimes!"


Shit boundaries (Y/n), he likes boundaries. That's why he was so confused he uncharacteristically said 'Nani?'.

"Sorry never mind that was a weird thing to ask." "Nope, you can't take it back now."
"Ha?" The amount of mixed signals you're sending me would bake a twenty pound cake.
"I'll call you Mister TedTalk whenever I feel like it. When it gets annoying for me, I'll stop. Ok?"
"Yea, ok" *you smile sweetly at him*
"Ok ok, let's get on with the project, we didn't come here to give you a bunch of nicknames."

You don't have to | Tsukishima x male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now