Chapter 2

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Hi! <3

"C'mon Tommy, it's time to get ready for school." Clay said as he shook Tommy gently.

Tommy groaned but complied as he sat up rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes.

He slowly but surely got out of bed and walked with Clay to the kitchen.

"You want some toast?" Clay asked.

He only got a a nod for an answer, Tommy was usually quiet in the mornings, especially a morning after missions.

Clay went to the kitchen and got some bread and put it in the toaster, he walked back to the table to see Tommy sleeping where he sat.

"Wanna stay home? Or do you think you can go?" Clay asked, he knew the struggles of going on missions and then going to school. Plus his bruises are still there.

"I think I'll be good, I'll tough it out." Tommy replied, "I'm gonna go splash water on my face." He said getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Get new bandages while you're in there!" Clay said as he heard the toaster pop.

The door to the kitchen opened and closed again, Nick was standing there.

"Hey, you want some food or are you going straight to bed?" Clay asked getting and putting jam on Tommy's toast.

"Nah, I'm gonna talk to Tommy then I'll get a shower. I need sleep." Nick said as he walked to the kitchen table to sit down, him and Tommy were like brothers, they practically were.

They were very close and shared a bond only brothers could, so before Tommy went to school Nick would hang out with him.

Tommy walked back 5 minutes later except he was dressed for school, he had his uniform on, well except his tie, he hasnt learned how to tie them yet.

"Hey Kid, how'd ya sleep?" Nick asked as Tommy sat down beside him.

"Eh, my foot was killing me all night, but nothing I couldnt handle. How was work?" Tommy asked, Clay sat a plate of toast and jam infront of Tommy. Clay sat down on the opposite side of Tommy.

"Busy, but I did get good tips from people I delivered too. Something about how I delivered them pizza at ungodly hours." Nick said playing with a coin he had picked up from the street.

"That's good, maybe you can buy new shoes, your old ones have to many holes in them." Clay chimed in, Tommy laughed and Nick just sent him a glare.

"Nick finish this, I'll be late for school." Tommy said as he pushed the plate infront of Nick and rushed towards the door.

"Your bag and let me tie your tie." Clay yelled, he was holding Tommy's bag and tie.

Tommy turned fast and grabbed the bag, he stood there as Clay tied the tie. "Ok you're all good." Clay said. "Thanks dad." He said quickly and rushed out the door, not even realizing what he has said.

"Did he just, call me dad?" Clay asked, he was confused but honored by Tommy's words.

"Maybe it's because you look old." Nick said as he got up from the table and skipped away before Clay could yell at him.


George walked through the front door, he saw Nick eating pizza.

"Yo." Nick said, mouth full of pizza.

"Shouldnt you be sleeping?" George asked as he took off his shoes and set his bag down.

"I dont have a shift tonight so I'm gonna sleep at a normal time probably sleep through tomorrow and then get up for work." He explained while scarfing down more pizza.

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