Chapter 13

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I'm all good and ready to write again :)

Theseus opened up the vent opening and dropped down.

He landed on his feet, but when he looked up, he realized, he was not alone.

"Hello Thesues." A man said coldly, they were waiting for him.

'They were waiting for me, it was a god damn set up!' Theseus thought, 'Was it Ranboo and Tubbo? They told me it was clear. They helped with the route.'

"Sending backup." Ranboos voice cut through his thoughts, of course they wouldn't betray him.

"Mr. Theseus, you have been charged with FTI, or Failure to turn in Identification. You will be taken to prison." He spoke more.

'Five, maybe more men. I can take them for now.' Theseus thought.

He pulled out two knives that were on his belt and threw them, one hit a man straight in the head, the other was logged in someone's throat. Killing them both imeadiatly.

"Heh, you bitch. You'll pay for that one." The man said, Theseus took no time and pulled out his gun, it had a silencer, he shot two more men, the third was calling someone.

Most likely back up, 'This is gonna be a long night.' He thought.

The room wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. If a lot more people show up, Theseus would have a problem.

He quickly shot the man in the head and sprinted to the door.

"I need the quickest way out Ender." Theseus spoke, "Calculating" he spoke back.

Theseus heard footsteps coming down the hall, "Those footsteps lead to the only exit from that level." Ender enquired.


Theseus put his gun away and got ready with knives, but then he remembered, 'You don't always have use brute force to win, you know.' The memory with Clay, his first training session with him.


"What?" Tommy asked, "All I've ever been taught was that you take what you want, not by words but with action." Tommy said, Clay laughed.

"Tommy, listen, in a world with violence, people talk with fists, but if you really want to get somewhere, learn how to use both. Words, actions, fighting, all of it. You don't always have to punch your way through things. Ok, try again, save George." Clay said, Tommy was still confused. His grandfather taught him to use his fighting for everything, but now that his fighting isn't working.... Tommy had an idea.

Tommy looked around, observing his surroundings.

"Im ready." He said, Clay nodded and got into his fighting stance.

Tommy ran full speed to Clay, Clay sighed, he thought he could get through to him.

Tommy on the other hand wasnt going to fight him this time.

When Tommy was close enough, Clay threw a punch, Tommy weaved the punch and grabbed Clays arm throwing to the ground.

Clay recovered quickly, but when he did, Tommy threw dirt in his eyes.

Clay hissed in pain, he was rendered useless now, he couldnt see.

"Looks like Tommy saved me, now let's go get you cleaned up." He said pulling Tommy along.

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