Chapter 18

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Sorry ladies, gents, and everything inbetween, I'm now a platonicaly married individual ;)

After a few days of resting, Tommy was able to go back home. Tubbo and Ranboo were upset about that but they were promised they could go over at anytime.

"Ok Tommy, it's been 4 days since you've gotten shot. If you clean your wound properly and bandage it correctly, it should heal within a week. But until then, do not use your arm." Scott informed, Tommy nodded his head and went to the door.

"And please do not go back into the field until you are fully healed." Niki added on.

Tommy laughed, "You think they'll let me back in the field still injured? Not a chance!" Tommy said.

Tommy put on a mask to hide his identity from the people outside of this room, too many people already know his identity, though he does trust everyone that does know, he doesn't want anyone else to find out.

"See you later Theseus!" Tubbo said when they made it outside of the room.

Ranboo waved, Tommy waved goodbye with his non dominant hand, a sad smile on his face.

He liked it here, he liked being around Tubbo and Ranboo, it was a shame he'll see them only at school now.

"My son, Ghost, requires a meeting with you when you're healed. Its about the mission he needs help on." Phil said meeting them at the entrance.

Thesues nodded, "We'll set up a meeting as soon as he's ready." George spoke for him.

Then they left, in a hurry too, Tommy really wanted to see Nick.

The drive home was quiet, they didn't really have anything to talk about, that was until George asked a question Tommy was hoping he wouldn't.

"So you don't like needles?" George asked, stopping at a red light.

He looked at Tommy through his glasses and Tommy kept his eyes on what was infront of him.

"Sorry, I thought Clay would've mentioned it." Tommy said, his voice low.

George sighed, when the light turned green, he drove.

"You have to tell me things that you're afraid of, so then I know and I can keep you out of situations like that. I don't want you to full on freak out like that." George spoke softly, he didnt want this to seem like he was getting in trouble, because he wasnt, he was just trying to talk to him.

"Yea, yea, I know..its just hard to talk about." Tommy said finally, he doesn't like talking about these kinds of things, "I don't want you guys to think I'm weak or something." Tommy continued.

"Oh Tommy, weak or strong, your still someone I care about. You can be the strongest, bravest, kid in the world and I'll still fear for your safety and health. And my image on you wouldn't change if you were weak. If its easier to not talk about it then you can write it down on paper and give it to me, or Clay, or Nick, whoever you're most comfortable telling. But you need to tell someone. Then you'll be seen as even stronger because it takes great strength to tell someone about something you fear." George spoke, he always had a way with words.

It always calmed Tommy down, knowing that George will understand.

George pulled into their driveway.

Tommy quickly got out of the car and raced for the house, Nick was waiting on the other side of the door for Tommy to return.

Nick wanted to go see him, but Nick had work and he wasnt allowed to go to the hideout, so he just had to wait.

And he wouldn't tell you this but, he really missed Tommy in his day to day life.

He often caught himself talking to Tommy even though he wasnt home, it was just out of habit.

When Nick saw the door open, he was so excited, and when Tommy came through the door with a bright smile on his face, he was extatic.

Nick was careful not to hurt Tommy when he hugged him.

Nick went to let go but Tommy hugged tighter, "Can we stay like this for a little longer?" Tommy spoke barely loud enough for Nick to hear.

"Yea bud, we can."


"Father i do not see why he is still important. He has been out of our lives for years and frankly I do not want him back in mine." A man said, his voice laced with venom and hatred.

"Son, how many times do I need to tell you that in this new world we need an assasin like my grandchild. We need someone who is strong willed and not easily tampered with. He is the perfect person for the job." A man said, his voice had urgency in it.

"You can do as you please, I know my wife has been longing for her child back but I do not care for him. If he does come back, I don't want to see him." The man said leaving the room.

"What a shame, and to think I was going to let you run this company when I die. Maybe Tommy can save us from this burning hell hole." He spoke again.

The man with wrinkles stood up, he may be old but he sure as hell knows how to find someone.

He made a quick call.

"Send out Plum. Tell him to find a boy that used to go by Tommy Innit, his knew name is Tommy Notfound. Find anyone remotely close to him, maybe family, friend, I don't care. Just get me the information in one weeks time." He spoke into the phone before hanging up.

The old man knew all the tricks into getting Tommy to cooperate, this will be one hell of a show.
Word count: 1006

YO get ready for sadness because I'm ready to write it :3 I don't think this book will be as long as the other but who knows, OK BYE <3

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