Chapter 9

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Thank you for the support, I'm really sick right now so chapters may be scarce and thats saying something they're already scarce, anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter <3

"Your base is in a cafe?" Dream questioned.

"Well, to put it simply, it's hidden in plain site. If it was found it wouldn't be a big deal. Could charge the guy with trespassing and we can just hide what they are looking for. Simple." Ender said going to the back of the cafe.

Tommy remembered the owner, or what he thought was the owner, coming out of that door. Its strange to him how a big company like The Sleepy Bois Inc. would make a base out here.

No matter, they didn't even have a base, or company, just a home with a family in it. Thats all Tommy has ever wanted.

Thats all he ever needed.

As Ender opened the door they all went inside.

Theseus and Dream looked around, "This is a normal storage room." Dream said.

Theseus nodded in agreement.

Ender laughed, though it seemed force, "You've been into this room for two seconds. How are you guys the top assassins beats me!" Ender says as he moved a rack that had boxes on it out of the way.

It revealed a door with a panel on it. That panel had numbers zero through nine on it.

"The real action lies behind this door." Ender said as he punched in a four digit code.

It unlocked and Ender walked through, Dream and Theseus following close behind.

They walked down a dimly lit hallway all the way to another door.

This one had a different type of lock, you have to use a key card to unlock it.

Once Ender swiped the card, the lock turned from red to green, and allowed them access.

They don't know whats behind that door but they were excited to find out.

"You can keep your masks on, or you can take them off. But everyone in here has theirs off, they're not even in uniform. We understand if you don't take yours off. Just know that everyone in here is a secret also. So no spilling the beans." Ender said taking off his mask but leaving the glasses on, he thinks they make him look cool.

"Also call me Ranboo. Everyone else does behind these walls." Ranboo said as he entered the door.

Theseus and Dream had strick rules regarding their identities, they were still going to follow them.

Theseus especially, he's still just a kid.

They followed Ranboo closely. The lighting was better in this room then it was in the hallway that led here.

Theseus took in the technology lining the walls, different gear and weapons all around. These guys were loaded.

"Stay close." Dream whispered to Theseus. He nodded in response.

They entered another room and this one was much more alive with people.

There were three couches, a TV, and a few computers, they seemed to be used for games rather then work though.

Everyone went quiet when they saw Ranboo walk in with two strangers, yet everybody knew who they were at the same time.

"Woah... you actually found them!" A boy in a yellow shirt, overalls, and sneakers said.

He had brown fluffy hair and brown eyes. He wore a bright smile that complimented his freckles.

Theseus groaned, having all the attention was the worst especially when he tries to stay away from the attention.

"Yes Tubbo, have you seen the boss?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo shook his head, "Maybe try his office?" He suggested.

Ranboo thought about it and nodded, "C'mon we're going to his office." He gestured to the two.

"Good luck!" Tubbo said with a wave.

Theseus and Dream looked at each other, why would they need luck if they were meeting with someone on their terms?

'Who the hell is this guy? And why is everyone so hyped about him?" Dream thought.

Theseus knew, he knew everything there was to know about this alleged 'boss'.

He knows he has two kids who also works in the field, he knows that his wife is ill, he knows that he wears a green and white bucket hat.

All he doesn't know is his face, nobody has seen him in awhile, well, atleast he thought.

Word Count: 725

Sorry this is so late, writers block is really getting to me.

Have this small chapter and a new character! I hope you enjoyed, thank you for being patient with me <3

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