Chapter 22

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Hey, quick thing, when this story ends (idk when) i have another story ready to be published. Its basically Phil centric and Sbi in it.

Would you want to see it?

Dream and The Warden were throwing punches left and right.

They were evenly matched.

They were both strong and fighting for another, Warden threw a punch, successfully hitting Dream in the jaw, he stumbled back for a moment.

"Tubbo wouldn't poison anyone! He isn't like that!" Warden spewed out, but Dream couldnt hear him, there was to much rage filling his senses.

Dream lunged at Warden, knocking him to the ground and pinning him there.

"He did! My kids dieing because of him!" Dreams grip on Wardens clothes tightened, "He..he was supposed to be his friend.." Dreams hands loosened, tears threatened to fall out of his cloudy eyes.

The Warden felt pitty for him, he knew this fight wasn't personally against him, but that it was against his friend.

He knew, Tubbo did wrongly.

"How about we talk to the boss? Deal with this issue like civil people, instead?" He suggested, Dream scowled, "Im tired of being civil! The Elite force attacked him, and shot him! He's been through hell!", he gritted his teeth, "and now he has to go through something worse! How can could he do this..? To him....they were friends..I'm sorry." Dream came to the realization that he was in the wrong at the moment.

He got off of Warden and helped him up.

"You know...your his favorite assassin. He admires your work.." Dream stated sadly, Underneath the mask, The Wardens features softened, and he stuck out a hand.

"When he's better, maybe i could meet him?" Sam suggested, he made it sound like Tommy was going to live.

"Yea...he'd like that." Dream started to calm down, the anger was still there, but it was calmer now. He shook the Wardens hand in agreement.

"Lets go talk to the boss now and get everything sorted out. Then you can get back to your son." The Warden offered, Dream nodded, but first, "I'll need to check you for weapons, or anything else though." Dream nodded, of course they would.


Everything happened so fast, one minute Tommy was being rushed to the emergency room, the next,

"Hes gone!?" George shouted at the doctor, the doctor was distraught, "Yes, we left him with one of our nurses, when we came back he was missing. We have security looking for him right away!" The doctor said, he scrambled away before George could yell at him anymore.

Taken? How the hell was he taken?

He was right there 15 minutes ago, what the hell happened?


Tommy was being wheeled into the emergency room, George and Nick had to wait outside and let the surgeons do what they needed to.

"Room 392, i'll need fluids, lots of them." The head doctor ordered.

The nurses who were aiding him left in a hurry, he turned to another nurse.

"We'll need to do blood work, by the yellowing of his skin, i believe he has toxic hepatitis, his liver is failing." The doctor stated.

Toxic hepatitis is the inflimation of the liver after being exposed to chemicals or drugs. Symptoms include nausea, anger or brash thinking, and jaundice: yellowing of the skin.

Since the patient was wheeled in immediately, he won't need a liver transplant, but he will need lots of pain and nausea medication.

The doctor wheeled him into the room and started to check his heart rate to make sure it wasn't slowing down.

As he was, the nurses came in and put the Iv into his arm.

Except something was off.

"Wheres Nurse Ivy, who are you?" The doctor asked, the nurse looked to him.

"Im Nurse Ivy's aid, she wasn't feeling well and stumbled in the hall. She sent me here to assist in her place. My names Nurse Plum." He said.

"Right, he's gotten the medication. Set him up on a heart monitor, me and the others will leave and talk to the family. You stay here and watch him, nothing else." The doctor said, he's never met this nurse before but if he was Nurse Ivy's aid, then he can trust him. Well, thats what he thought.

When the doctor and nurses left, 'Nurse Plum' did what he needed.

He unstuck Tommy's Iv and picked him up. Now to get him out of the hospital.

He made a quick call, "I have him. Hes been poisoned, his livers failing. We're ready to be extracted." Plum spoke into the phone and then hung up.

He sighed, "I was hopping I'd never see you again Tommy.".

Word count: 794

Woo new chapter :D

Love you guys!

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