Chapter 11

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Heyo, I should be studying but that can wait.

Tommy woke up to an annoying alarm clock, 'What a pain.' He thought.

He went back to school today, his ankle was still healing but nothing he couldn't manage.

It was a groggy Tuesday morning but he managed.

'5:30 am is too early in the morning to be getting ready for something so boring.' He thought to himself as he got his uniform from the closet.

His bus picks him up at 6:10 and he stays on until he gets dropped off, then he has to be in homeroom by 7:38.

'What a pain. I should just drop out.' He thought as he was tying his tie.

He grabbed his book from his desk and stuffed it into his back pack.

He went to the kitchen to be met by a sleepy Clay sitting at the table.

"Have you been to sleep?" Tommy asked startling the man.

"Huh- Oh, no I had to write an essay due today that I forgot about. But good news is, I don't have afternoon classes today, just my 8:00 am one." Clay explained taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hm, you need more sleep." Tommy said, Clay scoffed, "Like you can talk, you barely sleep as it is.".

"Yes but the difference between me and you is that I do sleep." Tommy continued as he put bread in the toaster.

"Sure, whatever, also don't forget. You have a mission tonight, make sure you review over that when you get home." Clay reminded him as he got up to refill his cup.

"Yes, yes, I know." He said, he looked at his phone, "Oh i have to go." He said as he put his shoes on, grabbed all of his things, and went put the door.

Clay heard a faint, 'bye.' Followed by the door shutting.

"See ya later kid." Clay said, the toaster popped startling him.

"Oooouu~ toast!" He said as he got the toast out and started eating it.

"Ow, hot, hot!"


Tommy waited at the end of the drive way for the bus, he put his headphones in and put his playlist on shuffle.

The buss pulled up slowly coming to a stop to let him get on, he was the first person to get on every morning, he liked it that way.

Tommy went to the back of the bus and sat down, staring out of the window.

Bus rides were calming for him, his mind got to wander and he wouldn't get in trouble for it.

At school, he knows everything that the teacher is teaching, so he zones out. This has gotten him in trouble many times.

The bus stopped again down the road as another kid got onto the bus, Tommy recognized this kid.

Tommy watched the kid as he sat down, he never cared for the others that surrounded him at school, but this kid, he seems so familiar.

The brown fluffy hair, the green eyes, it couldn't be, could it?

'Wasp?' He thought to himself.

He was going to say hello, but he remembered, Tubbo doesn't know him, well, the real him.

Tommy sighed, maybe they could be friends at school? He was hopeful but that hope soon died when he remembered trying to make friends as a kid.

He was always singled out and left behind.

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