Chapter 26

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Sorry. But not really LOL

Also had a mental breakdown and now my hairs pink. LETS GOOOOOO

"Alright, Tommy your objective is to save Ranboo before time runs out. If you don't succeed, Ranboo will die. But if you do succeed Purpled will die. Purpled will be fighting against you, practically for his life. Its ingenious i know. Now prepare yourself and make your decision. You have ten minutes. Starting now." The old man spoke over the speaker.

Tommy was freaking out, Ranboo was unconscious, and Purpled was fully prepared to save himself.

What was Tommy going to do? And in so little time....


Warden drove to the outside of the city, Dream had fallen asleep on the way there. The stress was getting to him and being up all night didn't help.

Warden let him sleep, it was strange to him though, how someone like himself was sitting in a car with the greatest assassin in the world.

Well, illegal assassin. He wants to get rid of the Elite Force, but he isn't sure how he is going to do that. He knows his boss has something planned, but he isn't sure what.

Just a little longer until they get to the base, hopefully they have news about Tommy, and why Tubbo did what he did.

Soon enough, Dream woke up and they got to the base.

"Ready?" Warden asked, Dream simply nodded and unbuckled his seat belt.

Warden twisted the key turning off the car, and opened the door, Dream opening his aswell.

The base was in the woods, away from prying eyes. It was a two story farm house, it looks....

"Normal.." Dream thought aloud, Warden chuckled going up the steps to the from door.

"Well, this is his home. He raised his children here. Its the main base of operation because of all the cameras he has set up around here. Also, she's here." Warden simply explained, 'She?' Dream thought, 'I wonder who she is.'.

"Come on, no time to waste." Warden said, Dream came out of his trance like state and went up the steps, standing behind the Warden.

"Im going to take my mask off. Have fun with yours though." He said, he opened the door and took off his mask revealing green hair and, well, a normal face. Boring.

Dream followed him inside, "Also, the names Sam." He said simply.

Dream hummed and shut the door, following behind Sam closely.

"Down here!" He heard, they were currently in the living room, the voice came from afar.

"They're downstairs. In the basement where they have everything set up." He explained, walking into the kitchen.

"Whats with you guys and basements." Dream joked, Sam laughed in return, he opened a door that Dream thought was a pantry but it was a staircase instead.

"Fancy." Dream said, "They're just stairs Dream. Come on." He said going down the stairs, Dream followed.

Once down, they were met with Ghost and Aries, but they weren't in uniform like they were before.

Ghost was Wilbur, but who was the other?

"Hello Wilbur. Technoblade." Sam greeted with a smile.

"Sam!" Wilbur and Technoblade greeted with delight.

They've known Sam for awhile. A long while. When their mother got sick, Sam stepped in to help out with the kids while Phil took care of her.

"Glad to see you boys. What do we got?" He asked, Dream stayed quiet, per usual.

"Well, Tubbo is waiting to be questioned. Dad wanted Dream to be here to question him aswell. And for decoding the message, we're still working on that." Wilbur explained, Technoblade nodded along.

"Alright. I'm here now, so if your father is ready, we can get started." Dream said, tiredness laced his voice, the others could tell Dream needed some sleep. They didn't worry about that now though, they had other things to worry about.

"I'll go get him." Wilbur said, he went upstairs, to the room he hated the most.

The room where his mother lays, seemingly on her death bed.

"Right. I'm going to go decode the message." Technoblade said, he turned with his tablet and went to another room that was down there.

Sam sighed, "Dream, whatever you do, don't hurt Tubbo. Please think rationally." Sam said.

Dream looked towards him, different emotions went through his body.

"I don't plan on it. I just want to know why. And if he, or Ranboo, have anything to do with the kidnapping. Also, thats something I need to talk to you about-" Dream was cut off by footsteps coming down the stairs.

It was Phil. "Sorry to keep you waiting Dream. Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes." He said simply, Phil led him to the room.

They will finally find out why Tubbo did this.


Technoblade was sitting in a dark room with his tablet in hand. While trying to decode the message, he got curious about how Ranboo just disappeared.

His curiosity wouldn't subside so he did what anyone else would do, check security cameras at the house Ranboo likes to stay at.

He knew Ranboo was kind, and he knew that he wouldn't do something irrational like poisoning a friend.

So where did he disappear to?

He clicked out of the message on his tablet and went to the different security cameras they have set up.

Some were at the house, some were at the cafe, and others were at houses people they cared for stayed in, like Ranboo.

He clicked on the file that related to Ranboo's house, and checked the security cameras just to see if he was there.

The house was empty, but it was strange how the side door was wide opened.

He checked the footage log and scimmed 20 hours back, before Tommy was poisoned. Yesterday morning.

Technoblade saw movement outside of the home, but he thought maybe it was shadows because of how early it still was.

Then he saw Ranboo leave his room in a panic, then he went out the side door.

Everything seemed normal, besides Ranboo's clear panic.

When he skipped to the camera outside, he finally got his answer, someone took Ranboo aswell.


"Alright Tommy. Times up. You know have to fight for Ranboo's life. But remember, you will kill Purpled, a friend, brother even, if you save Ranboo. Though if you spare Purpled, you'll be killing the friend you've come so dearly close too. What will you do Tommy? You have till 12:00 am to save Ranboo, or don't. The choice is yours." The old man came over the speaker again.

Tommy was conflicted, he wanted to save Ranboo of course, but Purpled was practically family. He wanted to save him now more than ever.

He wished Purpled went with him that day, when he finally got brought into a new home.

He wished he did better, he wished he came back for him, like he promised he would, but he didn't.

He left hin here to rot in this hell hole.

"Im sorry, Tommy. But when I leave here, I will find my brother. I have to leave here." Purpled explained calmly.

They had 12 hours to fight, for Tommy to save Ranboo, or kill Purpled.

Then he thought, what if he just died himself? Then there wouldn't be a need for him to choose.

There wouldn't be anymore pain.

Word count: 1254

Thank you for reading! If you have any idea how this story will end, think again ;) I have something crazy planed.

Hope you survive it!

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