Chapter 7

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Sorry this is out late, very, very late might I add.

I've been struggling with things lately so my motivation has gone down hill BUT I feel ok right now so I will write!

Thank you for being patient <3

"Hello sir, can I help you?" Tommy asked as he looked at the strange man, he wore a formal suit with a red tie, and he was rather tall for what his age seemed to be.

"Mr. Innit? Mr. Tommy Innit?" The man asked reading a paper, stuffing it into his coat pocket.

Tommy seemed taken back by the name, he hasn't been called that sense he lived with his old man.

"Not anymore, who's askin?" Clay said ingecting himself into the conversation.

George pulled Tommy away from the door, he complained but followed, moving out of the way for Clay to talk to the man.

"My boss sends for him, maybe I should use codenames? Theseus, the side kick of Dream, which I presume to be you." The man said.

Clay stood in shock, as did Nick who was behind him. George and Tommy stayed silent.

"Why the hell do you think me and some kid are famed assassins? Even if we were, which we aren't, we would've turned ourselves in, have you seen the shit on the news? Those guys are fucked I don't know what your business is with them but you need to leave us out of it, have a good day." Clay said trying to close the door, only for it to be stopped by a hand.

"My boss said you would say something along those lines, the names Ender, you probably wouldn't recognize me without the mask. Boss said it would be good to show it to you, you know a face for a face." He said as he opened the door wide.

Clays eyes widened, "What do you want?" He answered.

"Boss needs you to come in, its about the new laws, also, only I now about your identities. We plan on keeping it that way." Ender answered, Clay looked at Tommy then back at Ender, "Let us suit up." He said, Tommy followed Clay as he left.

"How does he?" Tommy started, "I don't know, but I plan on getting answers." Clay answered.

Tommy went to his room while Clay went to his.

Tommy opened the bottom drawer of his dresser. They had nice outfits to wear only because of the tests they finished, The Syndicate, as they called it, gave anyone who could complete these tests personally customized suits.

Tommy had an all black, form fitting suit, along with a black utility belt that holds many knives or other objects that he needs. He then wears shin high black boots, in the inside of them, he has pockets to put smaller, pocket like, knives in. Then he puts on a cape that goes down to the midway point of his back and pulls on the hood thats built into it. For the final piece of his uniform, he puts on a black mask on, the eyes are whited out so you can't see the color of his eyes. (Its kind of like Robins mask from teen titans.)

Once finished putting on the suit, he went to his closet and pulled out a box.

He grabbed it and set it on his bed, taking off the lid to reveal an assortment of weapons. He usually uses small knives and daggers, but recently he's gotten more training on guns and bows. He has incredible aim with both but perfers the gun.

He put two daggers on each side of his belt, placed small pocket knives in each pocket of his boots, he put a small, hand held guns in a holster on each side.

Then he placed two, very large knives, in slots on the top of his arms.

Tommy preferred to fight in close combat, he was quick on his feet and very flexible and adgile.

Once Tommy was done he waited for Clay to collect him.


Clay went to his and George's room, closing and locking the door, just incase.

He then went to the side of his bed and pulled out a large box. After sliding it out from under his bed, he layed the box down onto his bed.

He opened the box that revealed a white, porcelain mask with a smiley face perfectly drawn on it.

He pulled out the mask and stared at it, he had good and bad memories associated with this mask. Mostly bad though.

He set the mask aside and pulled out his suit, unlike Tommy's, Clay had color mixed in with his.

It wasn't anything too fancy but Clay liked it.

It was an army styled outfit, a shirt like vest, with many, many pockets, that had a hood attached to it was tucked into baggy pants. They were a dark green and also had very many pockets as was the shirt.

Clay wore a black turtleneck, as Tommy calls them, underneath the shirt to hide his arm and neck features.

Clay then put on brown army boots and tied them up.

He then grabbed his main weapon, an axe. Not a normal axe, this one doubled in size and the axe was doubled blade.

He put the axe on his back where he had a holster for it, and then grabbed knives of all shapes and sizes and put them in his pockets for safe keeping.

(I heavily based Clays outfit on the outfits they wear in assassination classroom. Except instead of blue its a dark green. If you wanted a clearer visual of what it looked like. :3)

Clay then grabbed his mask and put it on, tying it around his head securely, then pulled up his hood.

He put the box back underneath his bed and went to the door, unlocking it, he walked out of his room and saw Tommy ready and waiting by his door like he always is.

"Ready?" He asked, Tommy nodded and followed after Clay.

They didn't know what they were going to encounter, but they hoped it wasn't bad news.
Word Count: 1030

This is late and short, but I hope you enjoyed it also, here's a picture of what Clays weapon looks like, I felt like I didn't do good describing it, thank you for waiting and reading.

Much love 💚

Both blades are black though like on the right, but the green bits are the same :) and they aren't separate blades like shown above, they're one blade, if that makes sense, idfk

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Both blades are black though like on the right, but the green bits are the same :) and they aren't separate blades like shown above, they're one blade, if that makes sense, idfk.

- Zy

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