Chapter 19

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I slammed my penis in the car door.
You slammed your penis in the car door?
"Status report Plum. How's my grandson." The old man asked, a boy, blond, grey eyes, was standing infront of him.

"Hes well, though in the recent month, he's gotten a severe wound in his right shoulder. My reports show that it is healing but slowly." Plum stated, the man hummed, he was thinking of a plan, some may say the plan is sinister, others would say its genius.

"Plum, did you find someone he's close to?" He asked.

Plum nodded, "A boy named Ranboo and there's also this one named Tubbo, but I think it's our best interest is to take Ranboo." He explained, the man's eyebrows lifted.

"Why's that?" He queried.

"I think the 'Tubbo' boy has something up his sleeve. From watching them, he seems up to something. I think he's against our best interest." Plum explained, the older man nodded his head.

"Bring them to me, Tommy and Ranboo. By the next day. Then I will start my plan. No harm shall come to either of the boys until my say so. And I'm sure you'll be happy to talk to Tommy again." Plum seemed to hide away.

The old man's face became twisted and dark.

"Isnt that right, Purpled?"


Tommy took a well needed rest. He was happy to sleep in his own bed, in his safe home.

Nick never veered far from the door, just incase Tommy needed him.

George was laying in his bed and Clay was doing work on his computer.

The house was quiet, just how they like it.

Tommy would be able to go back to school when it re-opens, for now they have to do E-Learning.

E-Learning is when they get their assignments online and turn them in through there.

Its much easier for Tommy to do that then sit in a classroom all day everyday.

It was about, 5:34 pm when a knock was on their door.

Tommy didn't move, 'Someone else can get the door.'

Nick wasn't bothered, 'I'm not getting up.'

Clay didn't either, 'I'm working.'

George sighed when he heard the second knock.

"Clay you're sleeping on the couch tonight." George said annoyed, "What?!" Clay shot back, but George was already gone.

When George reached the living room he unlocked the door and opened it.

"Oh, Hey Tubbo, what brings you here?" George asked, Tommy left them yesterday, he couldnt possibly miss him already.

"Um, well, Tommy lent me and Ranboo some clothes, I came to return them one pair are his and the others are his dad's, and I was also wondering if maybe I could see Tommy?" Tubbo was embarrassed to admit he wanted to see Tommy again, they had just became good friends.

They went from seeing each other everyday, to seeing each other, well, never.

George laughed, "Of course come in. I'll take the clothes from you, Tommy's in his room." He said taking the close from the younger.

George liked Tubbo, he was a nice change of pace for Tommy, and Ranboo was the type of good influence in his life.

How did Tommy get so lucky?

"Thank you!" Tubbo said as he walked into the home and made his way to Tommy's room.

He knocked on the door and heard shuffling from inside.

Then the door opened with a click.

"Tubbo! My friend!" Tommy said excitedly, Tubbo giggled, "Hello Tommy!" He returned the others enthusiasm.

George quietly laughed at the interaction, and then went on with his business.

"What brings you here?" Tommy asked, he moved out of the way for Tubbo to come in.

"I was lonely, Ranboo hasn't been answering my texts so he's too busy to be bothered." Tubbo explained, Tommy laughed.

"Well there isn't much to do, any suggestions?" Tommy asked, Tubbo started thinking, and when his eyes glossed over in curiosity and wonder, Tommy knew it was going to be something about him.

"Can I see all the weapons you use? I'm fascinated with that kind of stuff!" Tubbo asked, Tommy was shocked at the question, but the shock soon turned into a cocky smile.

"Sure, let me grab them." Tommy said as he started walking towards the closet.

He opened the door, and Tubbo looked into the closet with wonder.

"Wait, do you just have guns sitting in your closet?! What if someone sees that?!" Tubbo exclaimed, Tommy laughed in response, "Can you lift that box?" Tommy asked pointing to it.

Tubbo glanced around Tommy to see the box sitting on the floor.

Tubbo walked over and lifted the box, Tommy grabbed all the guns and closed the door.

Tubbo set the box on the bed and watched Tommy as he placed the different guns down.

"Oh, hold on, let me get my sniper." Tommy said casually.

"You have a lot of guns.." Tubbo said, "Wait till you see the knives!" Tommy said pulling his sniper out from underneath the bed.

Tubbo laughed and examined all of the weapons, he studied and memorized the models, what ammunition it took, everything.

"Wow..these are really nice." Tubbo said, he traced some of the guns with his finger.

"Yea, I don't personally like them though. I like to use knives, or swords. Its more traditional in the art of combat." Tommy said, Tubbo hummed in acknowledgement, Tommy lifted the lid to the box, Tubbo looked into it eagerly.

"Tommy! I need you!" George called from the other room.

"Coming!" Tommy responded, "I'll be back in a moment." Tommy scurried out of the room leaving Tubbo alone in it.

When Tubbo saw Tommy was gone, he got to work.


"Tommy stay still." George ordered, he was trying to clean Tommys wound, it looked to be healing nicely.

Tommy huffed, "I don't want to." He said crossing his arms.

He regretted it soon after when pain shot through his shoulder.

"Tommy you're acting like a toddler, whats got you all riled up?" George asked, Tommy wasn't usually like this, he was a calm cooperative kid.

Why was he acting like this all of a sudden?

"Tubbos in my room all alone and at this rate its going to take longer to get back there." Tommy explained, George hummed, "Itll be fine, its just Tubbo, you guys, are friends are you not?"

Tommy seemed to look off, "Yes, but, nevermind, its not worth my breath." He ended his statement and talking in general.

He let George clean him up, but George was left wondering.

Is Tubbo someone they could trust?
Word count: 1127

Thank you for waiting! I've been super busy lately but I have a new chapter out :D

Have a lovely wonderful day! <3

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