Chapter 10: The Fall of Hope

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One of Xenoblade 2's in game cutscene.


And in the blink of an eye, we arrived at the roof of Jacob's inn. I looked around and I saw we were in the wrong place.

"Oh, I miscalculated again! Bummer..." I exclaimed.

"Lady..." Xer called me. I turned around and I saw he was looking at my clothes.

"You forgot your cloak..." He said and crossed his arms. I looked down and indeed, I forgot my cloak. I facepalmed

"Ugh... I'm an idiot. I forgot that small detail." I complained. Xer laughed a little.

"We are in debut era. After all, I stick out like a sore thumb." He said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Well... Yeah. After what we are going to achieve, these people will forget us... Let's move." I suggested and started walking. He followed behind.

We navigated our way until we reached the bridge that connected the Central Plaza and the Palace.
Surprisingly, I didn't see any soldiers nearby. Once we started crossing the bridge and closing the distance, we saw a line of soldiers guarding the Palace's entrance.

"Shall I deal with them... My lady?" Xer asked.

"Nah... I'm in a generous mood. Let's ask them nicely. If they reject violently, we answer back. Okay?" I said sarcastically. Xer laughed.

"Alright, I gotcha." He replied.

We approached the line of soldiers. The captain in command stopped us from going any further but we ignored him.

"Hey! Stop right there!" He commanded and all the soldiers drew their weapons.

We stopped walking.

"Where are you going? Right now the Palace is inaccessible by anyone. Only authorized people can enter." He said imperatively.

"Oh, we are authorized to come." I replied to him, giving him a mischievous smile. He flinched a little.

"Authorized by who?" He asked.

"None of your business. Let us pass or we will complain with your superiors." Xer replied.

The captain became more stubborn and started elevating the volume of his voice.

"I'm very sorry, but you should turn around and go back. I'll repeat it again for the last time: nobody shall enter." He replied. All the soldiers started pointing their guns at us, signaling that we should retreat. We simply ignored him and stood there, waiting for them to let us pass.

All the soldiers were looking at us in confusion. They thought we were going to retreat but we demonstrated the opposite.

Then the captain started approaching me.

"I'm sorry, but if you don't move, I'll move you." He said and then grabbed my arm.

This immediately upset Xer. He materialized his Scythe and slashed the captain, ending his life in an instant.
Upon his body fell to the ground, all the soldiers opened fire. Xer generated a shield protecting both of us from the bullets from all directions.

I borrowed his Scythe and smiled at him. I nodded and then he made the shield explode to send all the soldiers flying away.


"Uh? What is that?" I asked to everyone.

"I hear that too, Rex." Pyra said.

Then, Mòrag gasped and her eyes opened wide.

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