Chapter 1: Old and New Faces

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Artwork done by mpjuan06.


"Hey boss, look over there!" Said Henry, a newly recruited grunt.

"What is it, cadet?" Asked John to Henry.

"There is a silhouette in the beach, sir. It appears to be a man." Henry replied.

"Alright cadet, gather up the squad. We must investigate." John ordered.

Henry went to look for his small squad. After some minutes, he returned with George and Chris.
After some preparations, the small quartet started walking towards the beach where the unknown man was spotted.

"Remember soldiers. Stay alert and sharp your five senses. After Mor Ardain merged with this unknown land, we don't know what are the new threats. It is true we have been exploring the outskirts, but we aren't fully aware of the danger." Ordered John.

"Yes, sir!" The three remaining soldiers responded in unison.

After 10 minutes, the squad finally arrived at the position of interest. They inspected the man carefully and noticed he was totally unconscious, with all his clothes ripped off.
He was wearing a large blue coat and underneath that, a white T-shirt. They noticed he was wearing brown boots and a black-jeans like pants.
He had a straight black hair that reached his shoulders and a pale skin.

"Sir! This man has been wounded severely. There are a lot of blood stains on his T-shirt and on his coat." Exclaimed George while inspecting the insides of the coat, searching for an identification.

"The most injured part is his left arm, Sir." Said Chris.

"It looks like something caused a very deep wound in this area of his left arm." Continued Chris while pointing to the wound.

John crouched and tried to find if the unknown man still had vital signs.

"This man does not have anything. Not a blade nor an identification. The only anomaly I could see was his right hand. For some reason, it appears that something shaped like a diamond was mounted on the back of his palm. You can clearly see that skin area is brighter compared to the rest of his color skin." Said Henry.

John remained silent; he was still searching for vital signs.
He placed his fingers around the individual's neck and it didn't took long for him to feel a pulse.

"This man is alive! Quick, let's take him to the camp." He exclaimed.

And so, the small squad transported the weak body of this unknown man to a refugee camp in Mor Ardain. Once they arrived, they saw everything was in chaos.

All the people were confused and worried about their relatives. After Mor Ardain fused with this new land, the masses were not easy to calm - panic was the most common feel you could spot.
The soldiers headed towards a big area with tents, where medical personnel were treating injured people after the incident. The unknown man was handed over and the doctors began to treat him immediately due to his severe wounds.

The unknown man remained dormant for the next 27 days inside a small tent. Some nurses came to check on him a few times to make sure he was recovering.

On the twenty eighth day, the unknown man finally opened his eyes.

"Ugh..." I groaned in pain while trying to get up. I failed miserably.

I felt some pulsating pain in the right side of my head. In a fool attempt to reduce it, I place my hand on said place.

"What... Just... Aaah, my head... Hurts a lot." I complained while closing my eyes tightly due to the pain.

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