I love you so fucking much

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So I made an end from the manga. Geto is good again, nobara survived, gojo is free, megumi is the only one that is actually okey and yuuji still has sukuna in himself  and has those badass scars. Crusty musty mah*to is dead.

Yuuji is 1.83 m
Megumi 1.73m 

This is going to be the height for the rest of the whole book


Megumi PoV:

It was a cold autumn day, the sun wasn't shining that bright and the leaves where already turning red, orange, yellow and brown too. They where falling down the trees whit the slightest wind blow.

I  currently under a big blanket and was reading my book cuz reading is fun. I never really payed attention to gojo aka my dad, Kugisaki aka lesbian and mostly yuuji aka my crush since I saw him the first time, but sometimes I just can't ignore them.

My taught drived to yuuji again, I hated him but loved him so much at the same time, is that even possible?

Anyways the book was interesting...?
It was about some boys trying to survive the maze (the maze runner) my favorite was Minho even tho he is sassy.

"Fushiguro is that smut?!" I heard the yuuji yell behind me I flinched and looked at him whit a death glare "omfg megumi I didn't know you are into this kind of stuff" gojo smirked, I turned my head towards him stared at him whit a death glare "you pervert!" Kugisaki yelled.

"Would you please stfu? I'm trying to read, you all can bother geto or some shit" I said whit my sweetest tone I could give right now "oh hell no! The idiot I call husband annoyed me already" we heard geto yell.  Gojo's eyes lit (just like a puppy) up when he heard geto's voice

"GETOOOO~~~~~" gojo yelled wile running to his husband "look what you have done megumi!" I heard geto yell before he got into a deep conversation Whit gojo why they can't go on a date. "Ok ok ok, we are going" we heard a sigh after geto said that "please don't look so sad" we heard gojo thanking geto and running upstairs (does the dorm even have stairs?) to get his jacket. "Bye" was the only thing geto said before leaving.

"I'm going meet my gorgeous girlfriend maki, so bye gays" I rolled my eyes when she said that. Because yuuji is like the definition of straight.

After she left the hose was completely silent again. I smiled that was how I wanted it.


I read in silence while yuuji was doing...? What was yuuji doing?! Omg how can I let this idiot alone for so long?

I heard a scream

I ran upstairs to his room, cold sweat was running down my face. What if sukuna did something? What if he would die again?!

"Yuuji?! Are you okey? Can I come in?" I asked "y-yes" I slammed the door a bit to hard and it slammed against the wall. He was laying on the floor.

He looked at me than gave me a smile. It was bright and beautiful. I wish I could have such a beautiful smile.

"Awwwww, you were worried about me~" his smile turned into a smirk "don't worry my dearest friend I just bumped my head" I looked away to hide my blush that was to obvious. "You're so stupid, stupid idiot" I was so flustered right now "Anyways wanna go to the new dog park" he smiled "d-dog park..?" He knew that I loved dogs.

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