Cuddles and kisses

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Yuuji Pov:

It was a tired because of the mission I just had.

Sukuna wouldn't let me do anything, the curse was annoying and I had a shitty day in general.

My mood even got worse when gojo-Sensei asked me to do a favor and buy him some cake because he is busy, I couldn't say no because I knew gojo-Sensei wouldn't accept an no as an answers.

So I brought him that stupid cake and walked my ass home, the only things that kept me alive right now were:

1. A hot bath
2. Unseasoned food from megumi
3. Cuddles and kisses

I wasn't moving as fast as I usually would do because my legs were tired and I was hungry

"Oh my fucking god you're so hot~" I heard an female voice behind me.

I didn't want to talk so I counted walking

She pulled my arm so I was facing in her direction. She was tall probably 1.73cm (5.6 feet) he had brown short hair and green eyes, she was really skinny and her outfit screamed 'class thot'. "I'm talking to you hottie~" she said in a flirty voice "I'm sorry but I'm not interested and plus I'm in a relationship"

I pushed her off me and tried to walk again "but it can be a secret, a little one night stand, you're gf will never know about. And I bet you're gf isn't that good I'm bed as I am"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, my mood couldn't get worse

"listen up you thot, I can understand that you can't keep you're legs closed but you're mouth, seriously? And btw I have a bf that is ten times nicer hundert times prettier"

I made a silence so she could process what I just said. I leaned forward so she was the only one hearing me

"And a thousand times better in bed, you should have seen him"

And whit that I just walked away letting the girl stand there not knowing what just happened.

~time skip brought you by kuon's thighs~

I finally arrived home. I opened the front door and plopped in. Megumi heard me and probably ran to the front door.

"Yuuji, you're back!" He welcomed me whit a warm and big hug.

I hugged him back, and my mood got from terrible to pretty good.

We talked on the way to the bathroom about how our day was.

I undressed and he prepared my bath (he just put what we into the bath tub 😀✋)

I went laid down and instantly felt relaxed , after that I stood up showered. Dressed up in an tank top and some shorts.

I walked down and saw megumi was warming up some left overs he probably ate today.

I sat down and he brought me the food whit a kiss on the cheek.

I ate up and brought my dishes in the kitchen just to put them into the sink. Megumi rolled his eyes and chuckled and washed them.

"What are you still doing here go to god damn bed" he kinda yelled at me "but I want an good night kiss" I said innocently

He washed the dishes for another minute until he had everything finished and walked towards me and kissed me softly on the lips.

The kiss wasn't short but it was definitely innocent, after kissing we stared each other into the eyes for like 20 seconds until we both started chuckling and then starting laughing.

I picked him up and we walked into the bedroom. I softly laid him into the bed and laid next to him.

We continued kissing, but the soft kind of kissed megumi prefers.

He snuggled into my chest and I laid my hands on his waist.

"Good Night Darling"


Boom new chapter.

But what's hilarious is that I didn't get that it was Saturday and thought it was Sunday, so I panicked because the deadline was like in 10 min. So I panicked and rushed this chapter. And then the realization hit me.

It.was. Saturday.

So I deleted everything and started from the beginning.

But anyways bye <3

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