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Itadori PoV

I looked outside my window, it didn't have something I was looking for, but it was far more interesting than the math homework I was supposed to do.

Until I heard a silent sob and some answering outside. I saw a man grabbing a boy in my age by his arm and throwing him on the ground. I was shocked. „I told you to get the money by now!" the man screamed. The other male that looked my age cried, even more, he said something that I couldn't understand because he was whispering.

"Do you think I give a fuck that this damn whore is in a coma!" the taller male screamed. The young boy stood up, shaking in pain and fear "she is not a whore! She is perfect and I will not let you say this to your daughter!" the younger boy spoke up.

The taller man approached him and slapped him across the face. And the boy literally flew away "she isn't my fucking daughter you disgusting pig! And if it's so hard to find a job just become a sex worker you bitch!" the male screamed "stay the fuck away from me! You're not my son and you're not living whit me anymore" the taller male said suddenly, really calm "n-no! Please don't! Mom wouldn't want that!" the small boy begged, but the other male was walking away.

When I saw the other male out of sight I ran outside.

"Hey! You!" I yelled to the boy on the ground. He looked at me whit tears in his eyes and... He was really cute, like so fucking cute.

He wiped off his tears and looked me in the eyes "yes..?" he said. "You need help?" I asked, looking away he answered "yes"

I didn't wait I pulled him on his legs, he hissed "should I carry you?" I asked, he shook his head and tried to walk away by himself but he couldn't walk very fast as we already had the attention from the whole neighborhood.

I picked him up and he gave me a silent scream. I carried him like a little prince into the house.

I let him down when I reached the couch, so he would sit down.  I've gone into the bathroom just to quickly clean it so he could shower without thinking I'm some sort of animal.

I carried him into the bathroom and gave him some of my sweatpants and a hoodie of mine. "Thank you so much, but you don't have to do this" he whispered whit still red eyes from the crying "no! I insist on it!" I said smiling, he looked at the clothes I gave him and then back at me, and he gave me a big smile.

He limped into the bathroom and closed the door but he didn't lock it.

Oh my fucking god his smile is so adorable, my heart melted, I will die.

I went down to make some rice. I washed it and then cooked it.

I waited for him to finish and set the rice. He walked downstairs whit the obvious to big clothes. "Thank you," he said "no problem! But I made food so sit down before it gets cold!" His eyes widen "what... you made food for... me?" The last part sounded rather than a question than a statement "of course! You will stay the night here too! If you want of course!" I said whit a smile.

He smiled but it disappeared as soon as it came "and what do I have to do to repay you?" He mumbled "nothing!" His eyes widen. And then he walked to the table and sat down. I did go and we ate in a comfortable silence "what's your name?" I said looking up "Megumi fushiguro. What's yours?" He replied, "I'm itadori yuuji!" And we continued being in silence.

After eating we both stood up and he started walking to the kitchen to wash the dishes "you don't have to do that" I said confused, 'since when is the guest washing the dishes?' I asked myself "no I insist, that the bare minimum I have to do," he said and started cleaning.

I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, and after stopping hearing the water fushiguro stood there awkwardly "you can sit down if you want" I said, not knowing how to handle this awkward boy. He walked towards me and sat at the other edge of the couch.

I realized that I still had math homework but I didn't want to let this boy alone, so I ran upstairs got my homework, and ran back.

The fushiguro looked at the hand and seemed to zoom out so I got a good idea to scare him.

I walked behind him and got close to his ear "BOO!" I said and he jumped just like a little cat.

"AHH- oh it's you"

I smiled at sat on the couch still being at the same question. I looked and had no idea how to do it, I was rather a PE guy.

"You need help?" I smiled and he came closer and explained it to me, I did a lot of mistakes and by a lot I mean a lot, but his attitude didn't change "and that equals 16,35%? I asked he smiled and nodded.

I threw my arms in the air and cheered. Then I grabbed him and gave him a good old hug.

"Do you live alone?" He asked after we finished hugging "no! I live whit guys named gojo and geto, they kinda adopted me but they went away to meet their friends Nanami and mai mai and a lot more" he nodded again, 'god damn it he's cute! God picks favorites'

We looked each other into the eyes "um do you mind telling me what exactly happened? But if you still not comfortable you're doing have to!"

He looked away thinking "uh... well the man that screamed is my dad named toji, and well he is kind of an asshole. He loves money but he hates working for it so he kinda just marries rich women but after a while, they realize that he doing it just for the money so they leave. One of them left us whit my stepsis but she fell in and come soon after, but toji didn't want to give away money for her treatment so I had to work myself and I did too many jobs" he paused to adjust himself "but it never pleased him, he wanted more and more so he started hitting me and punching me if I didn't come home whit a lot of money." He stooped once again. He took a heavy breather before starting talking to me again "and if I tried to explain it to him that I magically couldn't get more money he told me to get into prostitution... and I refused because it's not worth selling my body for money so he dragged me out of the house and I ended up here"

He looked down and fresh tears started to run down his cheeks "hey..hey come here" I said trying to comfort him.

He sat on my lap his legs still on the sofa and hugged me, I blushed but didn't say anything. After a while, the sobs stopped and o saw fushiguro sleeping in my arms and it was honestly the cutest thing I ever saw.

"Good Night," I said softly.


I drew this because the last one I drew 4 months ago was ugly

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I drew this because the last one I drew 4 months ago was ugly.

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