✨Smut ✨

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Yuuji PoV:

I was married to fushiguro megumi or should I say itadori megumi. I proposed 1 year ago and he said yes, we had no real wedding . We just told everyone and that was it. And something that was kinda bothering me is we had no sex.

Ik i sound like a selfish prick that loves megumi just because his body. but he's just so cute and sometimes i just want to tell him that I want to have sex, but i don't want him to think im gross, so i just stayed quite.

„yuuji i will take one of you're shirt!" Megumi yelled  from upstairs, i sighed and before I could even answers he walked down stairs whit my shirt that reached to his thighs and under it an very short shorts that I couldn't even see. 'Oh my god his thighs, he's so cute, Oh my god his thighs, he's so cute, oh my gOD HIS FUCKING THIGHS' he smiled but walked past me to the kitchen, and himself an coffee.

"I'm not getting an kiss?" I leaned against the door frame waiting for my kiss "nah" he squeezed himself out of the kitchen walking to the couch. And started watching Netflix.

I sat besides him and was playing whit my hands, I wanted to do it but megumi had like a rule 'no hands holding till marriage' but we were married so it's okey to have sex right...?

"Is something wrong?" I heard a worried voice. I looked to my side to meet megumi's emeralds green eyes. They were full of questions "why ya asking?" I tried to smile and look like I'm not horny at all. "You look very stiff, and you look like thinking about something" his voice was soft.

I loved megumi's voice. He never really raised his voice on me whit out a reason.

"It's nothing just..." I sighed, he looked worried "ugh, this is so embarrassing and I will sound like a pervert" I looked away now his face was painted whit confusing "yuuji... I'm literally wearing you're clothes like there mine. There is nothing to be embarrassed about" I felt his warm hand on my cheek and made me look at him. "Um..." I still couldn't say it.

He was so worried about me being horny, I'm a horrible husband. How can i tell him that?! "Did I do something?" His voice sounded sad.

My eyes widen "of corse not! Megumi it's just... I-I just really wanna do it!" I kinda yelled "...do what...?" I had the feeling like he knew it but didn't want to know it "I want to have sex whit you" I looked him into the eyes "huh?!" His face turned red "I said it's going to be embarrassing!" He was hiding his face whit his hands "I was worried you dumb ass! And you just want to do it?!" He smacked my head, and I really needed this smack right now "but... we can do it..." he muttered, my eyes widen because I didn't see that coming "wait really!" I was happy "yea... it's gonna be weird"

3 person PoV:

Yuuji lifted megumi over his shoulder and carried him like a sack of potatos into the bedroom. He softly tossed megumi on the bed and crawled on top of him.

They looks each other into they eyes till yuuji smashed his lips on megumi's and they had an wild ass kiss, megumi wrapped his arms around yuuji's neck and yuuji wrapped his hand around megumi's waist.

Yuuji bit megumi's underlip just to slip his tongue into his mouth and explore every single inch of the inside of his mouth. Megumi started moaned softly and yuuji got turned on even more.

They broke the kiss just for yuuji kiss megumi again but much more softly. Megumi melted into the kiss and yuuji started to underdress megumi. Megumi's shirt slipped down his arms but just till his elbow.

Megumi broke the Kiss for air. Yuuji started sucking megumi's neck. And then started licking it. And then bit him "megumi you taste so good" was yuuji's statement, megumi blushed like crazy.

Yuuji sucked on 1 of megumi's nipples and played whit the other one, and then he bit it harshly, megumi just moaned to this.

And yuuji continued sucking,licking and biting megumi's skin until his waist. Yuuji lifted megumi's thigh over his shoulder so he was facing his thighs and started biting megumi's thighs whit much more strength "hng, yuu-yuuji it h-hurts!" Megumi yelled "just you wait megumi. It's going to feel so good" yuuji sang like he wasn't biting megumi's thighs like a dog "you know how I love you're thighs" yuuji bit megumi's thighs so hart that it started bleeding "aHhh" megumi moaned "I just want to make you mine. All mine, I want that everyone knows you're mine" yuuji continued talking.

Yuuji then finally underdressed megumi to the fullest and the same whit his clothes. Megumi was slim and fragile, megumi might can fight good but he fights mostly whit shinegami or weapons. Yuuji in other hand was very muscular cuz he just fight whit his body.

Yuuji admired his lovers body wile megumi was hiding his face with his hands "don't hide youre face megumi, I want to see it" yuuji sang, megumi sat up and looked right in yuuji eyes. "Are you sure,that you know what you're doing? Cuz it just hurts" megumi looked down in embarrassment "yea I think I know what I'm doing,if you just don't want to do it or just wanna back up tell me because I will not make you do something you actually don't want to do" yuuji was sad. He waited so long for that and finally he got a chance and megumi doesn't want it. If he already is doing it whit megumi he wants his fiancé to feel good, moan his name or beg for more.

But little dot yuuji know that megumi also wanted to do this but he was to shy to ask.

"No continue, I'm probably just impatient." Yuuji looked up to meet his fiancé's eyes "as you wish princess~" megumi's face lit up when yuuji called him 'princess' "don't call me that..." was the only thing megumi could Mutter because he was that embarrassed "okey kitten~"

And whit that megumi lost it. He smashed his lips against yuuji's, and before he even realized yuuji already had full control again.

Megumi's arms were around yuuji's neck and he was sitting on his lap so that yuuji's hands were touching megumi's ass.

Megumi broke the Kiss and was breathing heavily. Yuuji didn't even wait he putted three fingers into megumi's mouth "Suck" and megumi did, he sucked until yuuji's fingers were full of salvia.

Yuuji pulled his fingers out and looked at megumi's face

"good boy"

yuuji smiled as he placed his fingers right in front of megumi's asshole "are you sure you want to do that megumi?" Yuuji asked

"y-yes just d-do it god damn it!"

Yuuji slammed his finger into megumi, and the moan megumi gave and how tight he was made yuuji decide that he will have no mercy to megumi's butt.

He slammed the second and after that the third finger in megumi, and every moan he made was like music to yuuji's ears.

After he decided that megumi was stretched enough he made him lay on his back and his leg over his shoulder, he kissed megumi and looked him into the eyes "be a good kitten and let me hear you" and that the last thing yuuji said before slamming his dick into megumi.

Megumi nearly screamed in pain but it felt good. Tears were dropping down his face and a sting of salvia were leaking down his chin. Yuuji let megumi get used to his length. And started. His thrusting were getting faster and whit every trust megumi moaned louder.

•after a wile brought by megumi's ass that is bigger than mine•

Megumi was laying on top of yuuji, after they both were cleaned up. "Yuuji... I thought you would be nice, you litterbugs killed my ass." Yuuji chuckled but didn't responded. Megumi didn't even try to make a conversation, he was to tired so they just fell asleep


This is so strange to me cuz it's the first time for me writing about sexual content.

I guess I'm proud (?) but it's just my opinion and sorry about grammar errors.



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