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Shirtless Yuuji supremacy~


Yuuji PoV:

It's been two weeks since I was living whit Toji and Fushiguro and honestly I made two conclusions:

1. Fushiguro is the cutest thing that has entered the world
2. His dad is overprotective and hates me

But that didn't stop me to have little crush on his son, it's not a big one just a tiny one.

I woke up and got myself ready and walked outside just to see his dad was waiting for me "I see you lernt dickhead"  I nodded even tho I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Okey waisted cum, we will have an special training today. You're going fight some people" I looked at him weirdly 'how can he get so many names?' (I'm serious I'm getting out of ideas) and what does he mean whit 'fight some people'

We went downstairs just to be greeted whit an smell of eggs and bacon.

Toji chuckled "you must really mean something to him, it's been long since he smiled so much or woke up so early" my eyes widen and I felt the blood rush to my face.

He noticed it and grabbed my ear "don't you dare to blush in front of me because of MY son"
He hissed like an snake

He let go and we walked to the table and we both were not disappointed because there was a perfect breakfast but fushiguro didn't sit down whit us "it's to early, imma go to sleep again" he scratched the back of my neck and walked away I heard an really silent yawn and then the door open then close.

I grabbed the fork and started eating the egg and stuffed my mouth whit bacon.

Toji wasn't better, we both stuffed our selfs whit bacon until it only had one last piece.

We both stared at each other, I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. "You little waste of space... you're so dead!" He jumped up and so did I.

I ran outside and he quickly grabbed my by my neck and hit my head.

"Let's go" he only said and jumped into the car, I followed him but I sat on the backseat.

The ride was an uncomfortable silence "I'm happy that my son is enjoying you" I wasn't sure if toji was talking to himself or talking to me "it's been long since he saw someone as his friend" now I was really confused "what do you mean whit that?"

"He has struggles finding friends, he might be beautiful but he is socially awkward, his last friend was an girl named nobara, she was his first ever friend and he would have done everything for her. For the first times in his life he talked about school to me or wasn't silent. But she soon fell in love whit an woman named maki, Megumi first didn't care but nobara started to leave megumi... it broke his heart, and as soon nobara and maki got in a relationship she left megumi. He went completely silent and didn't talk anymore. He tried multiple times to reach out for her but she ignored him, as megumi asked why she replied whit 'Stop chasing me, you're simply just an old school friend.' And those were the last words she spoke whit megumi." Toji gripped the steering wheel and I could swear it would break any second.

"He also once meet a guy, before I continue talking I will make something clear, my son is pansexual if you make fun of imma kick you're ass." He gave me an death glare "anyways he meet this one guy and god he fell in love. He wouldn't stop talking how wonderful he is, but he wouldn't ask him out because he was to shy. But one day the guy asked him out and he was so happy, I personally didn't think the guy would be an good boyfriend. But megumi was so happy I just couldn't ruin it for him." Toji stopped talking because it seemed he had to calm himself "they started dating and well they got into a relationship. But as you see megumi is an smart guy so he noticed that the guy want only using him for his body but he also was cheating on him. You know how this would end up. And since then megumi doesn't want himself to get himself in some sort of relationship."

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