Nay nay killua

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Ik the pic is off topic but... it's cool and I like it so imma just leaving it here.

Thank you so much for 5k reads, I'm thankful that someone liked my crappy story


Megumi PoV:

I was sitting on the dancing floor, legs spread. I was currently stretching myself so I could start dancing soon.

"Megumi-chan you should know that the way you stretch is made for people that are saving hip-hop but this is ballet." I looked up to see my mentor gojo looking down at me "I suggest you would make the splits" I groaned, I knew I can do the splits but I still didn't like it.

But I did it anyway, I roles my eyes "okay Megumi-chan let's dance to the song 'you're sister was right'" I stood up whit not a single interest in dancing, go to wandered toward his phone to put the music on the speakers.

The song started and I prepared myself to dance.

The music started and started dancing. I danced just like gojo told me to

"Stop, stop, stop Megumi-chan how many times have I told you that you have to look confided while dancing. You have to feel the melody in your veins. Chin up and look to the audience! The stage is yours"

I rolled my eyes and then started again and halfway through he stopped the music again "Megumi-chan you're not focussing! You've made mistakes you didn't do on the first day here!" I looked at him "gojo-san I think I will resign ballet" he looked at me while a shocked face "I beg you pardon?" he asked "I've lost my interest in the sport, I've been doing it for a long time but now didn't like it anymore, it bores me" he looked hurt "oh okay I guess you can stop coming" he stopped the music "wait! Gojo-san I didn't mean it like that! I said I might but I will continue coming here"

He smiled at me, "Okay then let's start from the beginning" he stood next to me and showed me all the moves I should train more, and without noticing people came in while I was dancing.

And gojo didn't notice too, I was too focused and as the singer finally stopped singing, I dropped to the floor children at lifting while I tied to calm my breath.

I heard clapping and I saw two people standing by the door "long time no see darling" the black-haired man said to gojo "geto what are you doing here?"

Gojo didn't seem mad, he looked just surprised "Megumi-chan this is my boyfriend get and his student Itadori yuuji" I looked at the frame of the pink-haired boy, he sure looked nice but also he was really beautiful

"Megumi fushiguro if I'm not mistaken" the black-haired looked at me.

He then pulled me closer to see how my body was. "Hm, you have a nice figure for a boy you're age, maybe a little bit too skinny but it's fine. And you're sure good at dancing" I looked over at Gojo who was scanning itadoris body.

"You both spend some time together, me and gojo as going to talk about something" and whit that geto dragged gojo out.

Now it was just me and itadori "you're dancing is amazing!" I could never dance ballet! That's why I dance hip hop" he announced "oh that's cool I guess"

"Let's dance together!" he told me "uh-" I was about to explain that our dance styles didn't match up.

But gojo and geto stepped into the room "okay we concluded that you both should dance together but instead of having one dance style you guys are going to dance hip-hop and ballet!" gojo announced happily.

I nodded and I adore just smiled, "okay let's start now" get looked at itadori and then at me.

"It's going to be simple you're going to dance to the song 'Dernière danse' by Indila (great song btw) I will show Megumi how to fans and gojo yuuji" I was confused why was someone else trying to teach me even tho he is a hip-hop teacher "and I already see you're confusion Megumi-chan we're doing that to see the other student dance," gojo explained happily.

And before even knew something geto stepped towards me. "We will have a lot of fun!" get explained happily, I nodded not realizing what the fuck he meant

"Okay, you have to show me if you already can do those exercises."

After that, I had to do multiple exercises "okay can you do the splits?" geto asked.
"Mhm," I said quickly making a split it was pretty easy.

"Okey now bend yourself whit the worse to the back until it starts hurting"

I nodded and did so, I closed my eyes just to make sure I did it correctly. And I did it until I reached my leg, I slowly opened my eyes to see itadori staring at me.

Yuuji poV:

'Holy shit he is flexible' I looked away as I saw him looking at me "okay yuuji-kun! I want you to make those exercises" he held up a sheet of paper and did.

~ time skip brought you by Marcos missing half~

Me and Megumi we're currently performing, I don't know why bug something about him drives me crazy, maybe it's how elegant he moves while dancing or the way looks at me.

I got lost in my mind while dancing until I snapped out as I realized I had to lift him (it's part of the choreography)

He made a good amount of space between us before he began to sprint, he ran toward me and lifted him by the hips.

'His hips are so slim!' I thought I didn't pay attention to my steps so I stumbled on my leg just to land on my ass.

And Megumi landed right on top of me.

He opened his eyes just to see that he is on top of me. He jumped up and started apologizing "its okay it my fault!" I sad while rubbing the back of my neck.

We just stared at each other for like five minutes "hey wanna ditch this and eat some ice cream" I told him, still embarrassed about what happened for what happened "of course!" he whispered with a smile.

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