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Megumi PoV.

I was walking home, I was exhausted and didn't want to walk but well life isn't fair.

I was working at a corrupt taxes company, meaning the only thing I will do is sit on my butt and stare at a computer screen, and if I'm lucky I can talk to some Karen's and explain to them why they need to pay taxes.

I hated this job, I wanted to become a doctor but life didn't go well. My stepsis fell into a coma, my dad left and I was an orphan for almost a month, then did dude named gojo took me under his wing and I didn't care for school but the dream of being a doctor faded.

And now I'm living the most boring life on the face of the planet.

I've walked home and then saw some random cat, it had no hair and was therefore pink, it kinda looked ugly but I didn't mind because it snuggled up on my leg.

I knelt down and started petting the cat "hello little cat, do you have a name?" I've asked. The cat didn't even look at me, they just focused on being petted

"Sukuna you son of a bitch I told you to not-" I looked back to see another male.

He had a tall build, and was clearly muscular. He had pink hair and brown eyes. The thing that I've noticed were two scares. One going across one eye to his other eyebrow and a little bit to his forehead.

Walked towards me and tried taking the cat but the cat just scratched him and jumped into my arms.

He looked at me whit disbelief "he didn't hate you?" He asked me whit utter confusion "I mean, doesn't look like it" I muttered "and he didn't hurt you or tried hurting you?" he asked "no," I said getting kinda annoyed by the man and the cat.

I mean the cat is kinda cute but I want to go home. I put the cat down and started walking home.

As I finally saw my apartment I sighed, a wave of relief hit me and I walked quickly to my house.

I walked up the stairs and put my keys into the door, as I tried opening my door I felt the slightest hit on my body.

I looked down and saw the cat. 'He followed me?!' I knelt down to pet the cat as the male I saw ran towards me.

He quickly picked up the cat but instead got scratches. "You motherf-" the male wanted to finish his sentences but then saw how annoyed I looked

Itadori PoV

I wanted to finish my sentence but then saw the boy looking at me with a slight frown. "My apologies but my cat just won't let you alone," I said trying to not annoy the male too much "it's okay but come in I will help you whit the scratches," he said not showing any expressions.

He opened the door and we walked in, it was a pretty small house but it surely seemed comfortable. I tried to talk but saw how stiff he was so I didn't say anything, I mean I can't blame him I'm a complete stranger to him.

I sat on the couch with sukuna by my side, but this bitch had the audacity to glare at me "continue glaring like that and I won't feed you today" I said to this bald bitch.

He hissed at me and walked away, the man came in and sat next to me. "So what's your name?" He asked while disinfecting the wound little asshole gave me.

"My name is itadori Yuuji! I'm 19 years old, and the little fuck head's name is sukuna."
Okay said whit a smile "oh... well my name is fushiguro Megumi, and I'm 19 years old" 

We started talking about our lives. I find out he was working in a tax company, he loves dogs, and he has a sister.

After he was done I stood up and held sukuna so they couldn't escape my grip

"Hey... uh... wanna go out someday?" I asked him shutout thinking straight "so you wanna go on a date?" He asked with a slight smile.

I blushed as I realized that I just unconsciously asked this dude on a date "yeah...! Yeah!" I said

"Sure," Megumi said whit a smile.

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