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Yuuji PoV:

I lay on my mattress, my skin felt like it was burning, I was hot and cold at the same time. I sweated my ass off. My skin was itchy and I constantly had the feeling that I would throw up.

I turned my position so I was laying on my side, I closed my eyes trying to sleep but an annoying curse kept me awake "oi brat what is happening to this shifty bod?!" Sukuna complaints "shut up! I have a fever so I'm trying to sleep" I mumbled.

I heard the door open so I looked towards the boy that opened it. "Fushiguro!" I smiled "itadori-kun I told you you should sleep" he walked towards my bed and laid his hand on my forehead "hmm, your fever has increased, wait here I'm going to buy you some soup" he announced, and then he stepped outside the room, he made sure the room was closed the door "I wish I could be his vessel and not yours!" sukuna complained, "I already told you that I won't let that happen bitch!" I explained the curse

It was quiet for a while and I felt my eyelids close "hey brat" Sukuna said out of nothing "Are you fucking serious?!" I said feeling the tiredness leave my eyes "how did you get this fever after all!" He questioned "what do you mean? You saw it" I said annoyed "just tell me bitch!" He yelled "okay, okay it was a rainy day and I and fushiguro were outside buying souvenirs for gojo, and the rain increased and it got colder. Fushiguro wasn't wearing something that could keep him warm so I gave him my naked and then I catches a cold"

Sukuna was quiet for a while "simp" then Sukuna disappeared. I rolled my eyes in annoyance I sneezed a couple of times before I heard a silent knock on my door

"come in!" I yelled, the door swung open and gojo came to my vision "Yuuji-kun!" He said whit a smile "how are you, my boy?" He asked "I'm fine I guess, but I'm still waiting for fushiguro" I whispered, "Megumi-chan takes care of you?" Gojo asked, I nodded.

We talked for a while until fushiguro walked in, he had a plastic bag whit himself "Oh, hello gojo" fushiguro didn't care that the man child was in the room, he just walked towards me and sat on the floor "how are you doing?" He asked kindly "I'm much better now!" I announced happily.

And then again he touched my forehead to check the heat on it "it doesn't seem like you're doing better, but I brought soup so it will get better"

He grabbed the soup and spoon from the Plastic bag, opened the container with the soup, and tried feeding me.

I blushed at the fact "I-I think I can do it by myself!" I let out. He didn't move the spoon so I knew discussing it whit he wouldn't bring to anything so I opened my mouth.

He feed me until there was nothing "you have fangs" he spoke out "they're pretty, but anyway I'm going to bring you tee" he stood up and walked out of the room

"Ugh just make out already" said gojo who never left the room


I'm so sorry for not publishing in time! I forgot about this story and I've got late. Hope y'all don't hate me for it.

The sorry idea is from MarryMeYuji

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