I love you

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Megumi PoV:

I stood in the rain looking at itadoris moveless body, I walked closer to the body and fell on my knees. I lifted his upper body so I saw his face and the big hole on his chest. I leaned forward and hugged him, his warm blood dripped onto my uniform, and instantly washed off due to the rain.

I laid my head on his shoulder. And I didn't let go. And I heard someone screaming for God and help. I didn't look up. I couldn't look up, I couldn't help anyone at this moment.

I felt like my throat was burning, and I soon realized that the reason why my throat was burning is that I was the one screaming the whole time. But I couldn't stop, I'd just lost one of the most important people to me. Again. Why me? It's always me? What did u do to this cruel world just to deserve something like this?

I looked up and slowly stood up, my head was empty and I walked through the rain with not a single thing in my mind. I surely was crying but the salty tears were washed off by the cold rain. I walked to the underground where I wanted to meet kugisaki. I walked mindlessly through the hallway. Itadoris blood and the rain leaking to the floor.

"Megumi!" I turned around to see kugisaki running towards me "Megumi! What's wrong with you?" I couldn't take this anymore. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault, I was unable to protect him! Why him?! They could have taken me, it wouldn't matter to anyone anyways because I'm a horrible person! But for him? He was so nice!" she looked surprised but didn't take long to catch up "don't tell me itadori..." I looked into the air not answering her questions.

I walked towards the exit not looking where I was going. I stepped outside and the rain immediately hit me. I was still not looking and I heard kugisakis cry behind me, but what was supposed to do? I was crying myself. I stepped on a rock and fell on my face, pain rushing through my body.

I laid on the floor for a while but then slowly stood up. "Megumi!" I looked back to see gojo running towards me, it was a surprise to see him serious, he was always acting like a child but I can see his serious face even when his eyes were covered by the blindfold.

As he approached me he stopped right in front of me "I saw yuuji. What the actual fuck happened?" I couldn't stop sobbing, I hugged him and sobbed into gojos arms "s-sukuna killed him" I whimpered.

Gojo stroked megumis hair hushed him, and teleported him into his dorm. "Go rest and don't even THINK about doing something stupid to yourself!" gojo said, Megumi nodded and quietly said thank you. And gojo teleported himself somewhere, probably to itadori.

I wandered myself to my closet took some clothes without looking and shuffled to his bathroom. I've undressed and stepped into the shower.

Coldwater hit my back and I hissed because of the pain. Blood, dirt, and water from rain washed off and he looked down at his hands and the realization hit him.

The hurtful truth, he realized that he will never see itadori again, never hearing itadoris good morning ever again, never cooking with him, never hanging out with him, and never just being with him.

I stood in the shower and not moving a limb, and fresh tears started streaming down my cheeks. I started washing my hair while silently weeping, I've finished washing and I walked outside and dryer my skin and then putting on his clothes, and stepped outside the bathroom, I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes.

I've woke up the next day to some random chirping of birds, I felt dizzy and I didn't know what was going on for some minutes until I remembered what happened and I decided to skip gojos training and tell him that I caught sn fever. And before I could take my phone out I heard a silent knock on my door I was pretty confused "come in...?" I said questioning myself who would knock on the door, and gojo walked in.

"Good morning sensai" I quickly swallowed my sadness just to not sound sad. He walked towards me and hugged me, "h-huh?" gojo nearly never hugged me or was sad or just knocked on the door before walking in.

However, gojo never was serious about me or anything and what happened next shocked me. Gojo was sobbing, I've lived whit gojo for the past 9 years and I never saw him crying in front of me except if the time he lost..."Megumi-Kun, I know it might sound overwhelming but I need to know what the actual fuck happened to yuuji"

I hugged him back "i- he" I stooped as I composed myself "he turned into sukuna and I've even fought him and then sukuna ripped his heart out while being in his form and well as h-he turned back he d-died"

I've started crying again, "man I'm weak, crying so fucking much. I'm pathetic"

Gojo and I just hugged and talked about how much we miss itadori

"And I never got the chance to tell you that I love you..." I thought.

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