~Chapter 6~

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Hi just wanted to say I hope your having a great day/night


Karl's POV
(TW SH mention) I woke up to my wrist hurting I look down to see the bandages then remembered last night I signed then checked my phone(TW over)
-1 new message-

Hi Karl this is ranboo

Oh hi ranboo how
Did you get my number?

Ranboo :))
Niki gave it to me

Oh ok did you need something

Ranboo :))
I was going to ask if
You were still going to the party
And if you are do you need a ride
Sapnap said he'd take me tubbo
And anyone else who need a ride

Of course I'm going
And ya I'd like a ride

Ranboo :))
Ok well probably be there by 8:20
To pick you up :)

Ok I'll send you my address ttyl

Ranboo :))
Bye :)

I get up and put on my comfort hoodie I smile then walk down stairs I see my mom and smile "morning mom" "morning Karl"
"What are you making?" "Pancakes" "yes!" I say happily she laughs we sit down and eat. "umm mom" I say "yes Karl?" "Can I go to a party" "of course what time?" "It starts at 8:30 but my friends are coming to pick me up at about 8:20" she smiles "okay just remember no drinking, and if the driver is drunk call me to pick you up ok?" "Ok mom" "you promise?" "I promise mom" I say giggling we finish our food and I go to my room I fall asleep

~hours later~
Karl's POV
*nock nock* "Karl wake up you have to leave in an hour" I groan "ok mom I'm up" I check my phone

Niki :)
Niki :)
Hey Karl do you have a ride
To the party?
Read 7:00

Ya ranboo said that sapnap
Will give me a ride with them:)
Niki :)
Oh ok just asking
I gtg see you later :)

Bye :)
I get up to shower even though I had showered last night I had felt dirty I got my clothes then hopped in the shower.

~ After the shower~
3rd person POV
Karl signs and looks at his clothes Not knowing what to wear. He grads some black jeans and a multi color hoodie
He looks at himself in the mirror and smiles satisfied with his outfit he puts on some shoes and jewelry then his phone goes off


Hey Karl were going
To pick you up
You ready?

Ya I'm ready :)
Read 8:21

Karl turns off his phone and makes sure he has everything he then skips down stairs "hey mom my friends should be here any minute to come pick me up" "okay Karl have fun remember the rules" He giggles "I know mom don't worry"

Sapnaps POV
I was on the phone with ranboo that's when I heard him ask "hey sap is it ok if you give Karl a ride to the party I kinda told him you were already" I laughed bc I would picture ranboo having his usual nervous face "of course ranboo don't worry" "ok good anyways I gotta go get ready ttyl" "bye ranboo" he then hung up I checked the time 7:30 "I got time to shower" I say

I get my clothes then shower
After the shower I check the time 8:05
I put on my shoes and drive to ranboo house then tubbo I look at ranboo "do you have Karl's address?" "Oh ya sorry here I'll send it to you"

he sent me it I put it on my directions finally we get there and I get nervous he has to sit next to me because ranboo never leaves tubbos side something about how there platonically married or something like that I don't know all I know is what ever it is it's to hide ranboo's clingyness

Karl's POV
I get a text from ranboo saying there here "bye mom!" "Bye Karl have fun" I leave the house I see a car. I get in the passenger set and say hi we are driving that's when in ask "ranboo why are you always with tubbo so much?" "Oh we're platonicly married" he says proudly "oh" I said then sapnap joins in "it's just another way of saying that ranboo is clingy" he says laughing "is not!" I laugh the car stops at a house it's pretty big we get down and I see niki.

I run to her leaving the rest behind "hi Niki" "hi""who's house is this" I ask looking up " mine" she says laughing I look at her "oh so your rich and you didn't tell me" I say in a Dramatic voice she laughs more.

dream then pops up behind me "hi guys" I jump "sorry Karl didn't mean to scare you" "it's fine" I say looking slightly up " hi dream" sapnap says also popping up behind me I jump again dream does his tea kettle laugh "what the honk! everyone keeps scarring me" I yell sapnap laughs "sorry Karl" I laugh " it's fine" he smiles

~an hour later~

I was hanging out with Niki in a corner even though it was her party you could tell she did not wanna be there. everyone else had went there separate ways "hey Niki" "hm?" "Where the bathroom" I say

"go down that hall then to the right it's the 2nd door" she says smiling I smile "thanks" "no problem" she then goes to go find Wilbur. i walk down the hall "did she say the 2nd door or the first" I whispered to myself (dang Karl's got a memory of a fish but it's ok bc I do to) I shrug I guessed it was the first one.

I open the door to see sapnap and some random girl making out. I freeze they both look up at me now I can tell that sap is drunk. I then close the door and walk back to find niki totally for getting that I had to pee. I see niki "hey niki I'm gonna go.." I say "oh ok is ranboo and tubbo leaving they didn't even tell me bye"

"haha no I'm calling my mom to pick me up sap seemed pretty drunk" "oh ok" I then see ranboo walking to me "hey Karl" "hey ranboo I'm leaving" "aww already" says tubbo I laugh a little "ya guys my mom going to pick me up bye!" "Bye!" I text my mom


Hey mom could you
Come pick me up?

Sure just send me the address

I sent her the address and sighed. I was now standing out side of the house I look though one of big windows on to see sapnap holding a girls wast and laughing. it made me jealous I would say I don't know why but I did know why. i grew feelings which I knew was a bad idea but I did anyways.

"Karl!" I heard my mom which snapped me out of my thoughts "hey mom" I got in the car "how was the party" "good" I end up falling asleep

~when they get home~

3rd person POV
"Karl wake up" Karl gets out of the car then goes to his room he then changes after he plops down on his bed and falls asleep
1,234 words

Is It Really Just Your regular high school au//karlnapWhere stories live. Discover now