~Chapter 22~

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Karl's POV
I get up and check the time •1:24 pm• I walk to the living room and see my mom sitting on the couch I sit next to her "morning Karl" "morning mom" I see her look down and see my cuts i forgot to change before I walked out I hear her sigh

"I'm sorry" I say looking at her she looks at me "for what?" "The cuts.." I say she hugs me "it's ok as long as you stop" I smile she lets go "I made food" she says I sigh

"I'm not hungry right now I ate a lot yesterday at niki's" I say with a smile *why do I lie so much* "oh ok well it's in the fridge you wanna eat it later" "ok thanks mom" I say "no problem I gotta go to sleep I have work tonight good night" she says "night" I say

My phone goes off it's a text from niki.

                                      Niki :)
Niki :)
Hey Karl

                                            Hey Niki what's up?
Niki :)
We're going to hangout at
The park wanna come?

                                                                  Ya sure
Niki :)
I'll get Wilbur to pick You up

                                            Ok I'll see you later

I get up off the couch and go to my room. I get dressed. I put on black sweat pants I kept the same shirt on and just put my multicolored hoodie with the swirl in the middle.

I put on white shoes and walk down stairs. I walk to my moms room And knock on the door "come in" I hear her say

I open the door and walk up to her "I'm going to spend time with my friends" she smiles "ok be safe" she says "I might not be here when you leave" I say "that's fine" "ok I'll see you later bye mom" "bye Karl have fun" I walk out

I hear a honk and walk out the front door I make sure I have my phone and walk up to Wilburs car I wave and sit in the passenger seat I look to the back and see ranboo Tommy and tubbo.

Tubbo asleep on ranboo and Tommy blabbering about something "oh hey Karl" says Tommy he always the first one to say hi "hey Tommy" I say with a smile "hi Karl" says ranboo "hey" I say

Wilbur starts driving and I look out the window soon we stop I look back and see Tommy asleep ranboo and tubbo awake. tubbo was gonna tap him to take him up but I stop him

"Wait tubbo I wanna wake up Tommy " I whisper with a grin he raises his eyebrow confused "please?" I ask "ok " he says with a smile everyone gets out except Tommy

I giggle "TOMMY WAKE UP!" I yell he jumps "WHAT WAS THAT FOR KARL YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK" he yells back I giggle

"Pay back Tommy"I say with a giggle he laughs "you got me this time but next time I will get you" he says getting out the car i smile  I see niki she waves To me

I run to her. once I get to her I stop I start getting dizzy. niki touches my shoulder "you ok Karl?" She asks my head starts hurting the dizziness stops "uh ya just a little headache that's it" I say with a smile she raises her eyebrows "ok if you say so come on" she says walking off

I follow we sit on a bench. I look around tommy and tubbo running around ranboo and Wilbur just standing there George dream and sapnap swinging. I smile sap walks to me and sits next to me "hi Karl" he says I smile "hi sap"

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