~Chapter 20~

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Karl's POV
I wake up I feel arms rapped around me I turn slightly to see sap I smile and get up out of bed I check the time •12:30 am• I open my door slowly not to wake him up and walk to the kitchen I see my mom I sigh

"Morning mom" she flips a pancake and looks at me "morning Karl" she says smiling "you should be asleep" I say she puts the pancake on a plate with a few other ones "I know" She says

"So why aren't you?" I ask "well first reason is I can't sleep and second you have a friend over" she says giving me a big smile I had forgot about sapnap "how'd you know he was here?" I ask

"I went to go see if you were awake" I blush a little. she turns the stove off. she walks up to me "there are pancakes to eat when he wakes up" she says "goodnight" I say "good night Karl" she hugs me. She walks to her room I stair at the pancakes and sigh.

I turn around and see sap walking out my door he rubs his eyes "morning sap" I say with a smile he smiles "morning Karl" "my mom made pancakes want some?" I ask "sure" he sits down I give him some pancakes he looks at me confused

"Your not gonna eat?" I give him a smile "I already ate" I say he shrugs and starts eating "hey sap I'm going to go take a shower" I say "ok" he says with pancakes in his mouth I giggle a little and walk to my room.

I look though my drawers trying to find clothes I find a pair of shorts *it's starting to get hot I should wear shorts* *but people are here* *saps already seen them* *ya but there's more then last time* I sigh * I think I'm ready for his questions* *are you sure Karl* *maybe I don't know* *ok how about I take a pair of shorts and sweat pants and by the end of my shower I'll decide* *that's a smart idea*

I sigh I finish getting my clothes and walk to the restroom to take a shower I look down stairs and see saps on his phone I get in the restroom and lock the door I get in the shower soon I get out the shower and start changing.

*I thought I was ready for his questions but I'm not* *ya because your pathetic* *just shut up please* *sorry but I cant* I sigh and put on my sweat pants. I walk out the restroom and see sap "hey Karl how was your shower" he says smiling. I give him a forced smile "it was ok" I say

I sit next to him on the couch I check the time •2:57 pm• I lay my head on his shoulder "you tired?" He asks "yes" I mumble "how about we sleep in your room I'm pretty sure the couch is not comfortable" he says

"Sure" I mumble I get up and slowly walk upstairs. Sap follows me soon I get in bed and he lays next to me. I lay on his chest and he starts playing with my hair. Soon I feel him stop I look at him and see that he fell asleep I smile. Soon enough I fall asleep.

Saps POV
Soon enough I wake up Karl laying next to me. I get up out of bed slowly and open his door. I walk down stairs and check the time •5:44• "oh hi sapnap" I hear someone say I jump and see that it's Karls mom "oh hi Karl's mom" "please call me Mars it's my name anyways" she says smiling "are you sure" I ask "ya I'm sure.. is Karl awake" she asks

"No he's asleep" I say with a smile "that's child's always sleeping" she says laughing and shaking her head I laugh "anyways I got to get to work help your self to anything if your hungry. most stuff you have to cook but I think there's snacks" she says with a smile

"Thanks" I say smiling at her she almost walks out the door but before she does she says "you know if you have a crush on Karl you should really tell him" she says "wha-" I say but before she could hear me she closes the door stoping me from saying anything else.

I walk to the living room and sit down. A few minutes later I hear a door open i look back to see it's Karl. He sits next to me "did my mom already leave" he asks looking at me "ya she left not to long ago" I say with a smile my phone buzzes it's niki


Hey sap we're going to the beach
Wanna go?

                                It's getting dark though???
I know silly that's
The whole point
So you in?

                                             Ya sure I'll ask Karl
I can just text him

                               He's right here next to me
                                You don't have to text him

Oh did you finally confess •0•

                                  No I didn't I just slept over
You gotta confess dude

                                         I know anyways I'll see
                                                                  You later
See you later

"Hey Karl" I ask "hm" he says look at me "wanna go to the beach with us?" He looks at the time "but it's already 6:30" he says "I don't know niki said that's the whole point" he giggles "ya sure let me get ready" "ok" he walks upstairs and I lay back on the couch and go on my phone.

Karl's POV
I get my swimming trunks and take them to the restroom to change once I get in the restroom I hear my phone go off I check who it is it's niki.

                                    Niki :)
Niki :)
Hey Karl if you said yes to
Going don't forget the

                                             Hey niki don't worry
                                                        I won't forget

I change and put on the foundation I put on a hoodie I walk down stairs and see sap on his phone he looks up at me and smile "let's go" we get in his car.

we get there and we get in the house I sit on the couch a few minutes later I see ranboo "oh hey Karl" he says siting on the couch across from me "hey ranboo" I give him a smile

"Why are you here?" "Oh well sap was at my house and he said he'd take me so I'm waiting for him to get dressed" "ah did he sleep there?" He asks drinking his water "ya" "do you like him" he asks looking at me "what" I ask he laughs a little

"I'm pretty sure you heard my question Karl" he says I don't answer him "I'm taking that as a yes" he drinks his water and gets up "maybe you need someone to tell you this because your so blind but you can clearly tell sapnap has feelings for you too" he walks off

I watch him walk away *wait what* *he's lying* *if he actually liked me he would of already confessed* *you haven't confessed though* *what does that have to do with this* *you haven't confessed and he hasn't it makes sense* *he doesn't even like me* *I wish-*

"Hey Karl you ready to go?" Asks sapnap I smile "ya" we leave "bye ranboo!" Sap yells "Bye!" He says we get in the car "ranboo's not coming with us?" I ask he starts driving "no he said Wilbur was going to the house to pick him up" he says "oh ok" I look out the window soon enough I fall asleep.

1304 words :)

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