~Chapter 3~

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3rd person POV
Karl was dragged to every class by niki. she showed him everything even where they were going to practice after school even though they were going to go to practice together. by the Time she was done showing him around they had one more classes left. they then went to there last class.

Karl's POV
Once we got there the teacher looked at us kinda confused then starts talking to niki "niki why are you late and who's this" he asks looking at me "this is Karl he's new I was showing him around the school" she says pointing to me. 

I wave and he gives me a smiled he then says "hi Karl nice to meet you I totally forgot I was getting a new student you can sit next to niki" he says I smiled and nodded my head slightly.

I then walked with niki to where she sits. Across from us is the boy I saw earlier he smiled at me and I smiled back. niki looked at to who I was smiling then smiled at me

I look at her "why are you smiling" I say "no reason" I look at her confused she then looks at me " the boy across the room that you were smiling at is nick by the way but everybody calls him sapnap he likes sapnap better" I get embarrassed a little and smile at her "good to know"

                      ~after class~

Niki was dragging me across the hall or should I say across the school. we stop for a moment she looks at me then laughed "what?" I say "you look so scared" she says giggling I smile "well duh you dragged me across the school. I was scared I was gonna fall on you" I say she giggles more and I laugh I then text my mom to let her know I have practice.

                                        Hey mom I have to stay
                           After school for cheer practice
                                                          Read 3:10pm

That's fine just text or
call me when your done
Love you
Read 3:11
                                      Don't worry mom I will
                                                       I Love you too
                                                                Read 3:12

Niki stops laughing and starts dragging me again. finally we make it to a football Field supposedly we practice here. she smiles and I see people, there are five people sitting in a circle talking and laugh they looked at us and smile

"hi guys!" Says niki waving "hi" they all say "who's that?" one of them asked "oh this is Karl" she said scooting back so everyone can say hi "hi" I say waving my hand.

they introduce themselves one by one "hi I'm minx" "hi I'm badboyhalo" I smiled a little at that one. one thing I learned is that almost everybody here has nicknames "puffy" I was a little shy to be honest all of them got up so we could start practicing.

                    ~after practice~

We finished practicing at 5:30 in those 2 hours we all learned things about each other. they were great people to hang out with and I warmed up to them. we then all went our separate ways to go home. I texted my mom telling her that I finished and to come get me before I walked out the school I heard niki

"Karl!" She yelled from across the hall I stopped so she could catch up she was out of breath from running it took her a moment to say something.

she then said "you forgot your schedule" I smile and grab it "thank you" I said "can I get your number Karl since your on the team now and I want a way to reach you" she said I nodded then gave her my number she smiled the told me bye.

i walked out of school to see my mom I get in the car "so how was school" she says smiling I look at her and smile "It was great" I then told her about niki and everyone the only part I left out was how I was smiling at sapnap all that day.

3rd person POV
               ~when they got home~

"Karl wake up" "5 more minutes" Karl's mom laughed a little "Karl you need to go to your bed we're home" Karl then wakes up and gets out the car. slowing walking to his room he then takes off his shoes his rings his hoodie then grabs some clothes to change into so he can sleep comfortably after he changes

he plops down on his bed then falls asleep. About 3 hours later his mom wakes him up "Karl you wanna eat dinner I made spaghetti" she said in a sweet tone "yes" Karl said even though you could hardly hear what he said.

he then gets up and walks down the stairs slowly. him and his mom sit in silence while eating he was to tired to talk after eating he helped her clean then he walked back up stairs and went to his room he layed in bed and feel asleep.
874 words :) hope you've enjoyed the story so far I promise it gets more interesting

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