~Chapter 26~

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Karl's POV
I've been bored theses past three days sap went back home and moms been at work it's now Friday. I get up out of bed and walk down stairs.

I grab a bowl and pour some cereal even though it's been only four days I've been eating more little by little .

I sit down on the table with my bowl and check the time •6:45 pm• mom left for work a few minutes ago. Don't ask why I'm eating cereal at six pm I just want to.

I scroll through Twitter liking things here and there till I get a text it's sap

Sapnap :)(:
Hey Karl
                                                                    Hey sap
Wanna go with me

                                                   Sure but where?
Sapnap :)(:
It's a surprise

                                             Ok? What do I wear
What you usually
Wear a hoodie and
Sweat pants

                                                 Ok I'll be waiting

I finish my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I walk upstairs and grab clothes to change. I change into a plan back T shirt and black sweat pants I put on a white hoodie. I walk to the restroom. I brush my teeth and fix my hair a little.

I hear a honk I jump and laugh at myself *every single time someone honks I jump* I walk down stairs and grab my phone. I put my house key in my pocket and walk out I see sap and wave.

I get in and put on my seat belt "soooo where are we going" I ask he laughs "I said it was a surprise" I smile "I don't like surprises" he laughs "you'll like this one" he says

I check the time •7:05• were still in the car "sap it's been forever where are we going?" I ask he smiles "we're almost there and it hasn't been forever " he says laughing

the suns starting to set I get bored and decide to text niki

Niki :)
Hey Niki
Niki :)
Hey Karl
What's up?

Nothing much
Kinda bored
Niki :)
Wanna come Over to my house
Or something?

Niki :)
Why not?

I'm with sap
Niki :)
What are y'all doing?

                                                 idk He said it's a
Niki :)
Ooo a date?

Lol no, at least
I don't think so
I mean we're not
Niki :)
If it isn't
I should be
Anyways I gotta go
Tommy's chasing tubbo
Around the house again

Lol ok bye :)
I look out the window about 5 minutes later we park in a field it was full for flowers "pretty" I say sap laughs "come on" he says getting down

I get down I see a blanket laid out he sits on it I sit next to him I look around we watch the sun go down in silence "so why are we here?" I ask breaking the silence

Saps POV
"So why are we here" I was about to say something but it started raining *perfect timing* I think to my self Karl laughs "sap it's raining!" He says I laugh and stand up he stands up we face each other

Karl's POV
"Sap it's raining" I say laughing he stands up and laughs I stand up following his movements I start looking around the field it's pretty when's it's raining. sap snaps me back into reality "Karl" he says with a smile

We make eye contact "yes?" I ask "I like you like I have feelings for you and I didn't admit it sooner because I was scared th-" *whoa sap likes me* I smile bigger *me actually likes me*

3rd person
Karl then pulls him into a kiss stoping him in the middle of his rant. Sapnap smiles into the kiss his puts his hands on Karl's waist as Karl raps his arms around sapnaps neck they brake away from the kiss

Karl's POV
I lay my head on his chest "I like you too sap" I slightly mumble I feel him smile he hugs me i hug back we stand there in the rain for maybe five minutes. I get off his chest and give him a smile "we should really get out the rain" I say laughing he smiles "come on" he says

Dragging me to his car soon we get in the car he grabs two towels I laugh and start drying my hair "was this all part of your plan?" I ask laughing he smiles "maybe" I give him a smile

And finish drying myself off still in wet clothes "we should go to your house so you can change" he says laughing I smile "ya" he starts driving he sees me shiver so he puts on the heater on soon enough I fall asleep.

Sapnaps POV
*I can't believe I kissed Karl* I smile and look at him peacefully sleeping. soon we get to his house I shake him lightly "Karl wake up" "no" he mumbles I laugh "come on Karl you need to change" I say he stretches and rubs his eyes

What time is it he asks I check the time "9:45" say he gets out the car I follow him he unlocks the door and walks upstairs "you didn't bring any clothes?" He asks I smile "there in my car I'll go get them" I say I walk back down stairs and to my car

Karl's POV
I change and smile *I can't believe that me and sap are together we're definitely telling everybody* I hear a knock I open it it's sap I see he already changed he smiles "my moms been waiting to meet you" he says I giggle

"Can we go now?" I ask "yup come on" he says dragging me down stairs I smile *I still can't believe that this is real life* I say to myself

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