~Chapter 12~

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Saps POV
Niki paused the tv "told you nick" she said "told me what?" I said "your little crush is so obvious I mean come on you even put your arms arounds him at the beach" she said "I agree" said dream I jump a little "dream why do you always wake up when we have these talks"

"I also agree" says ranboo I sigh "where is this going?" "you gotta confess I know I haven't known Karl for that long but I know that if he does have feelings for you he won't be the one to confess" niki said

I look at her confused for a moment "fine I'll confess but not till later" I say they smile "anyways ranboo you gotta stay the night at tubbo's house or something" I said "why?" He says "you know daisy" he shook his head yes

"well she hasn't stoped texting me and asking me to hang out so I invited her to our house but she doesn't like you which you already know" he rolls his eyes "I hate her so much just tell her to back off and that you don't like her" he says "I have but she won't leave me alone" I say.

"why does she hate you ranboo?" Says niki joining in our conversation "she hates gay people" said dream niki looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I sigh "ya she does" I say "then just tell her your gay" says niki "what?" I say back "well she doesn't like gays tell her the truth and she'll leave" niki explains

"sounds like a plan" says ranboo  "also ranboos not gay" niki says ranboo laughs "since me and tubbo are platonically married she thinks I'm gay" ranboo responses "oh that's dumb wait doesn't that mean she hates dream and George then?" Asks niki "yup and I hate her too" says George I got scared.

"how long have you been awake" I ask "long enough to know you have feelings for Karl which is obvious by the way" he says smiling "well great another person who knows"  I say "actually all of us know that only person I'm petty sure doesn't know is Karl" George responded

"it's true" says Tommy "ok you know what let's stop talking about this" I say "you know I hate her too" says tubbo "same" says Wilbur "ok what the hell were y'all all just listening to our conversation?" "yup!" Says Tommy "well great" I say

"If it helps we all agree you should ask out Karl" says George "wow thanks" I say "how about you invite daisy over and tell her the truth" says niki "I don't know if she'll come over" I say "just ask her" says niki "ok ok" I go to her contact.


                             Hey daisy could you come
                                        Over to niki's house
I guess
Read 7:50

"Ok she's coming" I say "wait what about Karl" says ranboo "what about Karl?" I ask  "well what if daisy wakes him up" he says "she'll definitely wake him up if he stays here" says Tommy "well I'll take him to a room to sleep" I pick Karl up and carry him "niki take me to a room so I can put Karl down please" I said "ok follow me"

we pass a few rooms then she opens the door to one "this is one of the guest rooms also it's kinda sound prof just in case daisy starts yelling" she says "thank niki" "no problem" I go and put him down on the bed then walk out. I sat couch and waited for daisy.

                ~ a few minutes later~

*knock knock* niki gets up to open the door. I started to get nervous I didn't want daisy to yell. I still remember the time she found out about dream and George being together she yelled at them and told them a bunch of rude stuff like they were going to hell for being gay. I also don't want her to yell because I don't do well with yelling my parents used to fight twenty-four seven when I was younger.

"Hey" she says sitting next to me "hi" I say  "I thought we were hanging out at your house" she says sound annoyed probably about the fact that ranboo and dream are there "ya about that... you know I don't like you right?" I tell her she looks at me with a  mad expression "why don't you like me" she says her voice starting to get loud "I'm just not into you" I say trying to sound calm

"what are you into then GUYS?" She said yelling a little "ya actually" I say in a whisper "SPEAK UP" she yells "YA I DO LIKE GUYS"

she looks at me "your disgusting"  she says "why cause I like guys?" I say you can hear that I'm mad now " YES YOUR GOING TO HELL WITH YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS" she said pointing to dream and ranboo who also had tubbo and George in there arms.

George flips her off  "the only person going to hell is you daisy" he said I smiled "your not part of this conversation George" she yelled "ha you made me apart of this so called conversation" he said "actually daisy this conversation is over" I Look at her "get out and never talk to me again" I say "FINE" she gets up and storms out

I sigh and lay back niki puts her hand on my shoulder "I'm proud of you next step is to ask Karl to be your boyfriend" I smile "thank you but that next step may take a while to get to" I say to her she smiles "how about we watch tv" she says "ok" she puts on the the tv and we all watch it.

Karl's POV
I woke up and look around *where am I?* I kinda freak out I open the door then I noticed where I am I'm at niki's I sigh *why was I on the bed did sapnap not want me sleeping on him?* *oh don't over think it Karl he probably just wanted you to be comfortable* I walk to the kitchen to see niki getting a water "hey sleepy head" I smile "hi Niki" I say "you want something to drink or eat" "no I'm good" "if you say so"

I walk to the living room and sit next to sapnap "hey Karl how'd you sleep" he said "I slept fine" I said I checked the time •10:50• it read I sigh "hey sap can you take me home" I say "ya sure come on" he says getting up "aww your leaving it's only 10" says niki I smile "ya sorry niki" "it's fine get home safe bye" she says "bye guys" I say they all wave

We get in the car and sap starts driving I get on my phone a few minutes later we're at my house "thanks sap" I say getting out "no problem" "bye" I say waving to him he waves back I get in the house then walk to my room take off my shoes then I plop on my bed I ended up falling asleep.

1211 words this chapter was kinda rushed

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