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'Actually, we also have to look for furniture. For your room.' said Ginnifer. 'Yes indeed. We would almost forget that. We can go to the store this afternoon.' said Josh. "Um actually I had other plans this afternoon. But you can go with Zoey." said Sam. Zoey frowned and looked at her sister in surprise. "What were you going to do then?" asked Ginnifer.

"I've made an appointment with Dylan." said Sam. 'Dylan? Who is that?' Josh asked right away. 'A friend. He lives in the orphanage. That's how we know each other.' said Sam. But isn't that a very long journey? You can't travel this far alone.' said Ginnifer. 'Why not? Dylan and I meet half way.' Sam immediately defended himself. "I don't know if this is a smart plan..." Ginnifer said thoughtfully.

'Why not? You are not my parents.' Sam crossed her arms. "Sam..." Josh sighed. 'Yes what?' Sam looked irritated at the couple. 'And you Zoey? Do you want to go to Dylan too?' asked Ginnifer. 'No.' Zoey replied softly. Josh and Ginnifer looked at each other briefly. "We'll discuss it when we get home." Ginnifer decided.

It was quiet for the rest of the drive. Oliver and Hugo were asleep, Digby was napping in the backseat, Zoey and Sam were both looking out, Josh was watching the road, and Ginnifer was on her cellphone. After driving for a while, they finally came home. Sam immediately got out of the car and she walked away.

Zoey wanted to follow her sister but Josh stopped her. 'Leave her. You get Hugo out of the car.' He said. Zoey nodded and opened the backseat door. "Hugo, wake up." She shook the toddler gently from side to side. Hugo opened his eyes. 'We are home.'

The toddler didn't let himself be heard twice because he was immediately wide awake. He unbuckled the seat belt and jumped out of the car. Meanwhile, Josh had woken Oliver up and Ginnifer was walking with Digby. "Can you open the door?" Josh gave the house key to Zoey. Zoey nodded and walked to the front door where Sam was already waiting impatiently. Zoey opened the door and Sam walked right in.

'Hey Sam. Wait.' Zoey ran after her sister. Sam had run straight to the guest room and slammed the door on Zoey's face. Zoey opened the door. Sam was sitting on the mattress she'd slept on last night. "Fuck Zoey." muttered Sam. "Why did you suddenly meet Dylan?" asked Zoey.

'Why not? Dylan is my best friend.' said Sam. 'We saw him yesterday.' said Zoey. 'Fascinating. I must be able to talk to someone about everything.' Sam replied with a shrug. "But that's possible with me, right?" Hurt, Zoey looked at her sister.

"Sorry Zoey, but I'd rather talk to Dylan with this sort of thing." said Sam. Zoey bit her lip and she walked out of the room. Downstairs in the living room, Oliver and Hugo were playing. 'Zoey, are you going to play in the garden? We're going to make a hut.' cried Oliver. Zoey smiled weakly. 'Okay.'

Oliver, Hugo and Zoey walked into the garden. Meanwhile, Josh had walked to the guest room where Sam was still sitting. Josh knocked on the door. "Hey, can you come downstairs with me? Ginny and I want to talk to you.' He said. Sam got up and she walked downstairs with Josh. Ginnifer was already waiting at the kitchen table. Sam sat across from her

'What do you want?' asked Sam. "We'll let you see Dylan this afternoon, but then we'd like to discuss some things with you." said Ginnifer. Sam got a smile on her face. "But you share your location with us so we can see where you are." Josh said right away. "Are you afraid I'll get lost or something?" asked Sam. 'No, not that. We just want to know where you are. Then if there is something we can come your way.' Ginnifer explained. "And we want you to be home before eight." said Josh.

"Eight o'clock already?" exclaimed Sam. 'It gets dark early and there are strange people walking around in the city. Home eight o'clock and not a moment later.' said Ginnifer. Sam sighed. "Is there more?" she asked. 'Um yes. What color do you want to paint your room? We are all going to the store this afternoon and we want to bring something for you too.' said Josh. Sam thought for a moment. 'Just do something. I do not mind.'

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