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'Are you coming down? Colin should be at the door in a minute.' Sam opened her eyes and looked at the alarm clock. "But Josh, it's only four-thirty." Sam sighed sleepily. 'Yes I know! Our flight is at seven.' Josh said and he walked over to Sam. He patted her head. "Go and change quickly and I'll make you breakfast." Josh said and Sam nodded. She quickly got out of bed.

Sam came down the stairs and sat down at the breakfast table where her sandwich was already waiting. "We also have to be a little quiet because everyone else is still asleep." Josh said in a soft tone. Sam nodded. "What time is Colin coming?" asked Sam. "We're supposed to meet around five, so he'll be there in a minute, but you know Colin, he's always late." Josh laughed.

At that very moment someone knocked on the windows, and Digby immediately started to watch by barking loudly. 'Hush Digby that's Colin! You'll be waking everyone up soon.' Josh said to his dog and he hurried to the front door to let Colin in.

'Good morning, are we in the mood for it?' Colin asked enthusiastically. Sam nodded. 'Yes, very much!' 'Good! Do you already have your suitcase? Then I'll put it in the car.' Colin said to Sam. "Yes, he's in the hallway." said the girl.

'Ready to go?' Colin asked who had walked back inside. 'Hell yes!' And she followed Colin and Josh outside. "You can sit in the front, Sam." Josh said sweetly. "Don't worry, you're a lot taller than me, so you go in the front." Sam replied with a smile. "That's fine too." Josh said and gave Sam a pat on the head.


'What's up Sam you're so quiet?' Josh asked the girl on her way to the airport. "I've never flown before." told Sam. "So you're a little nervous?" asked Josh. Sam nodded. 'It'll be all right, and it's a very nice view from above! So you better sit by the window later.' Colin winked.

The three checked at the airport,

Josh looked at the tickets to see which seats they were sitting in at the airport. "Sam you are at 34, Colin at 33 and I at 32," he said. And the three sat down. Not long after, the plane took off. "Wow." said Sam. 'Nice, look out the window like that.' Josh said with a smile. 'Yes, very beautiful!' Sam responded enthusiastically.

"How much longer will it be flying?" Sam asked when they had been on their way for a while. "About seven o'clock." Colin replied. "Wow, how long." said Sam. Colin and Josh laughed. 'Then you go to sleep for a while so that you are well rested later. We'll wake you up though.' said Josh. Sam nodded and before long she fell asleep to Colin who put an arm around her.


"Sammie, wake up, we're here." Colin whispered in her ear. Sam had to think for a moment where she was. Oh yes Manchester! Immediately she opened her eyes and sat up straight. And she quickly checked her phone. "Huh, it's already six o'clock in the evening." she said surprised. Josh and Colin laughed. "That's right, time difference." Josh responded.

They checked out and had to wait a while for the bags. When they had that too, they walked out of the airport and a taxi was already waiting for them. They got in and Josh explained to the man how to get to the hotel where Sam, Colin and Josh are staying.

'Wow the hotel is just near the stadium!' Sam said enthusiastically when they arrived at the hotel because at the end of the street you could already see the stadium. "Yeah, cool!"

Colin led the way to the counter and said to the woman standing there. "Hello, we have reserved a room under the name Colin O'Donoghue." He looked at the lady. "I'll have a look," said the woman. 'Yes indeed I see it! You have room number 141.' and she handed Colin the pass.

"Here Sam, you open the door." Colin said and he handed her the pass. Sam opened the hotel room door. "Wow it's big!" said Sam enthusiastically. The hotel room had 3 large beds and a huge TV. Sam ran quickly to the Balcony. From there she had a perfect view of the Manchester United football stadium. "Go and unpack your bags quickly, then we'll have dinner and go to bed early, because tomorrow promises to be a very nice day." Josh told.

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