♡ 𝓣𝓮𝓷

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𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥


FINISHING UP YOUR DINNER, you then moved onto dessert. You cleaned up your plate, picking it up as you walked to the dessert table. Licking your lips, your eyes scanned over the spread of desserts to try and find the manju you had made. Since you made it, you should at least eat it.

Knowing how you made the manju, you knew that you would like it, since you made it the way you liked. It was specifically catered to your liking - who cares about everyone else?

To see the plates previously full of manju now empty was a shock to you. "What the hell?" You muttered, inspecting the empty dishes. You could've sworn that you filled six whole, large plates with manju.

Upon your new discovery, you swiftly made your way over to the coaches' table. You stopped behind your aunt, silently looking at her plate over the top of her head to see if she ate everything.

"What the hell are you doing?" Your aunt questioned, feeling your presence looming over her figure.

"Trying to see if you're the one hogging all the manju," you mumbled with honesty as you narrowed your eyes at her plate. Not one manju in sight.

"Why?" She questioned, looking back at your skeptical expression. "Is it all gone already?" You nodded, pouting as you had spent all that hard work just to not be able to eat it in the end. "Oh come on! I waited like an hour for those!"

"Tell me about it!" You whined, walking away from the table to go mope and vent to your friends about the loss.

Upon passing by the other team tables, you passed Inarizaki's table and noticed the twins having a few plates of what you recognized as your manju. They each had their plates full of it. The twins combined had probably taken 20% of all the manju - and all that manju was supposed to be for all 8 teams. All that for only two people!

"What the what?" You uttered, looking at them with wide eyes as they scarfed down several pieces like it was nothing. Their team had only looked at them with disappointment, acting like this was a normal occurrence. "You- Manju- It's been here?!"

"Hey, you made this, right?" Atsumu spoke up as he took a bite of manju. "It's very good. You should probably make more though. It's all gone."

Osamu gave a thumbs up, agreeing with his brother, though his eyes did not once leave his dessert.

"Well no duh!" You exclaimed, watching as they continued eating. "Because you two are eating a good portion of it!" Glancing around the rest of the table, you noticed how everyone else was eating a different dessert or were just done eating all together. "Where the hell is the rest of it?"

𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 // 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂Where stories live. Discover now