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HAVE YOU EVER WOKEN UP ONE MORNING, only to want to bang your head against a wall because you're surrounded by idiots? That is exactly how a few members of Karasuno's volleyball club feel right now.

"Boke! Hinata, boke!" The blueberry boy known as Kageyama Tobio yelled at the other half of the freak quick duo, Hinata Shoyo.

"They're so loud," the salty bean pole named Tsukishima Kei grumbled as he narrowed his eyes on his fellow 1st years.

The orange-haired boy jumped over and over again with a large grin plastered on his face as he raised his fists to the air. "I'm so excited! Another training camp!"

"They're inviting high school teams from 3 different prefectures as well," the captain, Sawamura Daichi, informed as the team was loading up the bus with their bags. Karasuno was ready to make their way to Tokyo at about 6:00 am on a Sunday as the training camp would start at 12:00. "It'll be a good learning experience."

"I heard there's gonna be a special team joining the training camp," Karasuno's vice captain, Sugawara Koshi, added to the conversation. "Shimizu, do you have an idea about who's joining?"

"Oh! Well-" The 1st year manager, Yachi Hitoka, was abruptly cut off by the 3rd year manager, Shimizu Kiyoko. The latter had pressed her palm against her underclassman's mouth to prevent ruining the surprise.

"No idea." She had replied before dragging Yachi away from the team and into the bus. The rest of the club had just simply sweatdropped and looked over to their coach and club advisor in confusion.

"Errr, well..." The volleyball club advisor, Takeda Ittetsu, trailed off. He too knew what the surprise was, but he didn't want to ruin it. It just so happened that Suga had overheard him when he was talking to their coach, Ukai Keishin.

"All we have to say is..." Ukai paused for dramatic effect, causing the team to inch forward with anticipation - except for the salty french fry. "They're a force to be reckoned with."

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"i CaMe iN LiKe A wREcKinG bALL!~" You, Mariko, and Chinami screeched from the top of your lungs as you sang along with the music playing on in the 8-seater van while Mariko drove.

Mariko was in the driver seat, Chinami was in the passenger seat, you and Reina were in the middle row with the middle seat folded over so that you could walk to the back seats, while the twins and Mai were in the back row.

𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 // 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂Where stories live. Discover now