♡ 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸

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(Y/n) = (Your name)

(L/n) = (Last name)

(N/n) = Nickname

A/N: You don't have to read this chapter if you don't want to. It just has some stuff that has some stuff from the past and how (Y/n) met her friends and stuff. It also has some stuff that'll be brought up later in the story, but it'll be explained further then, so it's not mandatory to read this.

I'm also not gonna lie, this chapter kinda sucks and it's unedited...




5 years old.

"Didn't I tell you to stop playing volleyball? You need to tell your friends that you can't play that stupid sport anymore," the feminine voice of your mother harshly scolded as your siblings were in their rooms and your dad simply watched with sadness. He wanted to intervene, he really did, but he didn't have the courage to. "You need to do something that's actually productive."

"B-But volleyball is produ-" Your frail voice tried responding, but your mother swiftly cut you off with a harsh glare.

"No, not for a lady," she interrupted, venom laced with the words she coldly gazed at her youngest child; you. "Volleyball's a sport for men. It can't get you anywhere in life."

6 years old.

"W-What happened to you?" Your dad stammered as you and your siblings listened from the stairs while your parents argued in the kitchen. "I thought we were happy... I-I thought-" Your dad's voice cracked, the obvious sadness seeping through his words.

"You really think I'd be happy?" Your mother sneered as she tossed the divorce papers on the kitchen counter top. "How could I ever be happy with you as my husband and those 3 kids? The oldest wants to be a musician, the middle wants to be a designer, and the youngest wants to be a volleyball player. I mean seriously?"

Her words felt as if she had stabbed your heart 1,000 times. 'I only ever wanted to make you proud of me...'

The next day, your mother and all of her stuff was gone. No goodbye, no last words, not even a last glance. Your dad, siblings, and you were just left in the city of Tokyo.

12 years old.

"Rei-chan!" You called out for the ball as you were playing a 3 vs 3 volleyball match at a nearby park with your friends. It was you, Reina, and Tamika, against Mariko, Chinami, and Takara. Mai had just opted to lay under one of the nearby trees and keep score, but she had fallen asleep after the 1st set.

It had now been maybe 7-9 years since you had met them all.

Wakamatsu Reina is the same age as you and was probably your closest friend out of all of them. You met her first when you were just 3 years old. Her parents and your dad are friends, so she occasionally came to your house year after year and just started becoming friends.

𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 // 𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂Where stories live. Discover now