He's alive?

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I woke up by a small whimper. I opened my eyes to see Scorpius holding his small teddy bear as he had tears running down his face.

"What's wrong Scorpius?" I asked my son as I set him on my bed. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I had a nightmare." He said as I wiped away his tears.

"You want to tell mommy about your nightmare?" I asked my son. He shooked his head, indicating. 'No'. "Alright, how about we take a walk in the park," I said. He nodded. He got off of me and began to get dressed. I got out of bed and followed behind him. We went outside and walked to the park. Scorpius kept pointing at the different types of animals around the park.

"Look at the blue jay, mama." He said, excitedly. I chuckled. He let go of my hand and ran off.

"Scorpius! What did I tell you about letting go of mommy's hand." I scolded my son. He looked behind me and smiled.

"Sorry, mama." He said as he walked back to me. He intertwined our fingers together, we walked together just admiring the view. After an hour of being at the park, we went home and I looked at the clock, 3:47 pm. Great. I have a few hours until I have to go to the pub to finally get answers after four years. Scorpius was in his room probably playing with his toys. I was making some desserts for Scorpius and me when I noticed the moving photo of Draco and me. We were so happy together...he promised me he will never leave me. I guess we weren't meant to end up together. I got a call from Pansy, I answered.

"Hey, Pans, what's up?" I said as I stopped making the dessert.

"Nothing much, what's up with you?" She asked I looked around to see if Scorpius is nowhere to be around.

"I need a favor from you," I said. She sighed.

"If you want me to dress up as you, it's a no from me." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that, Pans. I want you to babysit Scorpius tonight." I said

"Ok. Are you going out?" She asked. I rolled my eyes again.

"I'm gonna go to a local pub near London, the person wrote back and says that I will meet Draco at the pub and he will explain why he left me four years ago," I whispered so Scorpius wouldn't hear the conversation.

"Alright, but be careful I don't want you to get hurt." She said

"I will be alright, come at 8 pm," I said

"When are you returning?" She asked. I thought for a moment before answering.

"I don't know," I replied

"Alright, see you later bestie." She hung up. I sighed. I went to Scorpius' room to find him playing with his toy dragon. He always had this fascination with dragons ever since he was a baby. He looked at me. "Hey, Scorp." I sat down next to him.

"Hey, mama." He said as he went back to playing with his toys.

"Scorp, mama is gonna go out tonight and Pansy will babysit you," I said, hoping he wouldn't wonder why.

"Yay! Pansy is coming over!" Scorpius cheered. I laughed.

"Be on your best behavior, young man," I said. He nodded eagerly.

"I will!" He replied. I smiled and patted his head. I decided to take a quick shower and began to get ready. I just put on a simple shirt and a tiny bit of make-up. This is not a date Y/N! Well, it's just a casual outfit. I checked the time again, 7:30 pm. Pansy should be here by now. That's when the door knocked I opened it to see Pansy on the other side.

"Hey Pansy," I said. She walked in

"Hey Y/N." She replied. "Are you nervous?"

"A bit. I'm getting answers from the person who vanished from my life four years ago." I said. She nodded.

"Be careful." She said, worriedly. I nodded.

"I will, Pans," I said. She smiled. Scorpius came running downstairs.

"Pansy!" He shouted happily. Pansy smiled at Scorpius.

"Hey, buddy, ready to have some fun?" Pansy asked. Scorpius nodded. I kneeled in front of Scorpius.

"Be good while I'm gone," I said. He nodded, I smiled. I kissed his forehead and stood up. "Well, I'll be back sooner."

I left the house and got in my car. I searched up the address and began driving. I arrived at the place, I parked my car and then got out. I took a deep breath before walking inside the pub. I scanned the place, looking for the platinum hair man. My eyes locked with a pair of grey eyes, those same eyes my son inherited. Those same eyes I fell deeply in love with, the one person who disappeared from my life four years ago. Draco Malfoy.

A/N: I left y'all a cliffhanger! What do you think it's gonna happen in the next chapter? Draco is still alive. How is Y/N gonna react? I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to comment with your thoughts and vote.

Thanks for reading!

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