Father and son day, what could go wrong?

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Draco POV

I woke up seeing Y/N and Scorpius still asleep. I smiled at my little family, I know I missed four years of not being with my son but I want to make up all the lost time I was away. I stared at Y/N as she still looked as beautiful, she still looks the same as the last time I saw her before leaving the wizarding world. I smiled at the thought of how she looked when she was pregnant with our son I bet she looked beautiful. I quietly got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed a pan and began to make pancakes for the three of us. I finished cooking and set three plates on the table.

"Morning Draco." I turned around to face Y/N. I smiled as she took a seat.

"Morning," I replied. "Did you sleep well?" She nodded as she took a bite of her breakfast.

"Yes, I slept well." She smiled. I nodded. Scorpius entered the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Morning mommy and daddy." He beamed as he sat down. I smiled.

"Morning Scorpius," I replied as I sat next to him as he began to eat his pancakes.

"Morning Scorp, you slept well?" Y/N asked as Scorpius nodded happily.

"Yes, mommy! I had a good dream that you and daddy got married and we all live together." Scorpius smiled. I looked at Y/N as she just looked away. "You two will get married, right?" I looked at Scorpius who had hope in his eyes.

"I'm not sure Scorp, maybe in the future," I said as he looked down in sadness. "Hey, don't be sad. Even if your mother and I are not together we will always be there for you." He nodded as he continued eating his food.

"Well since you want to spend time with Scorpius I'm gonna hang out with Hermione," Y/N said as she got up and washed her dish. She then kissed Scorpius' forehead. "Be good while I'm gone." Scorpius nodded.

"I will!" He said. She smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Good luck." She said as she headed for the door.

"We'll be fine," I said as she turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"I was talking to Scorpius." She smirked as I glared at her. She walked out, leaving Scorpius and me in the room. I looked at Scorpius as he looked at me too.

"Was mommy being mean to daddy?" I asked Scorpius as he let out a giggle. "Alright Mister, what do you want to do today?" I asked my son as he thought for a moment.

"I wanna go to the toy store." He said as I nodded. He got out of his seat and walked over to me I grabbed his hand as we apparated to the toy store. He let go of my hand as he ran inside the toy store. I followed closely behind him. I found him near the toys area as he was looking for different types of toys. I was out of breath just by chasing him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Scorpius, don't let go of my hand. What if you get lost I know your mother would be mad at me if I ever lost you." I said as he nodded.

"Sorry, I saw this toy I wanted and I had to get it." He said as he picked up a toy from the shelf. He handed it to me and I stared at it, the toy was a dragon with little action figures it was only 20 galleons. I brought it for him. We went to an ice cream place as Scorpius sat down. I ordered two vanilla ice creams and waited.

"Here are two vanilla ice creams, sir." The waiter said as he handed me two ice creams. I thanked him and made my way to the table to see Scorpius clapping his hands. I handed him his ice cream and sat across from him. We chatted as I wanted to get to know him better.

"One time mommy took me to the zoo and we saw a lot of cool animals!" He exclaimed as he did some hand motions. I smiled. "Mommy said if I eat all my vegetables I will grow faster."

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